Shijiazhuang carries gang of bilk of telecommunication of a 4 people, the age is 21 the biggest year

On March 24, the reporter learns, shijiazhuang has a gang of bilk of 4 people telecommunication, among them the age is 21 the biggest years old, 16 the smallest years old. Division of labor of this 4 people is clear, pretend to be " middleman " bunco, gain profit illegally more than yuan 10. Show 4 suspects to already was reached by send under escort Shijiazhuang city yuan detention house of public security bureau of family name county.

Shijiazhuang carries gang of bilk of telecommunication of a 4 people, the age is 21 the biggest years old, the least gift is 16 years old!

■ the policeman arrests 4 suspects

Yuan family name man is bought secondhand the forklift is cheated 56000 yuan

Live in Shijiazhuang yuan Mr Li of family name county often passes intermediary buy in and sell at a profit secondhand the forklift, he was cheated accordingly however recently 56000 yuan of money, how is this to return a responsibility?

2019 the beginning of the year, mr Li releases a message to say he is begged on quick worker buy secondhand the forklift, very fast a net is called " Tang Shan small Wei " the netizen contacted him. "Tang Shan small Wei " professing is intermediary, have a variety of supply of goods, mr Li is very fast with " Tang Shan small Wei " each other added small letter, after be being communicated one time, Mr Li decided beg bought forklift, made a money through net silver. Who knows, after money hits the past, "Tang Shan small Wei " break couplet however, small letter is not answered, the phone also closes machine.

Mr Li dare not believe he was deceived at first, because " Tang Shan small Wei " the video that offerred a lot of supply of goods for its in be communicated with his, also have certain knowledge to the component of the forklift, and the most important is " Tang Shan small Wei " still offerred identity document, the name on identity document is Wei Mou some, guangxi person.

4 crime suspect is congeneric gang of a telegraphic bilk

On January 23, mr Li that is aware the thing is wrong concludes the case to newspaper of public security mechanism. Yuan squadron of military unit corresponding to a company of heavy proposal of group of gumshoe of public security bureau of family name county grows Huang Zhanquan to tell a reporter, yuan public security bureau of family name county is received alarm hind begin quickly detect the job, case group policeman comes and go according to both sides information, hit out actively, information of suspect small letter is searched on Internet, undertook be communicationed simply with its.

The policeman reports a case to the security authorities for Mr Li really in affirmatory suspect point to after identifying a target, rapid lock decided the policeman guilty suspect trace, and change of county of flounder Tianjin thistle, Tang Shan on the west and other places of county of the county, county austral Luan, Cheng Dexing grand, work more than days 40 continuously, final with late on March 7, 4 suspects such as some seize success general Yan Mou, and on the spot capture illicit money more than yuan 20 thousand.

Huang Zhanquan tells a reporter, these 4 suspects are gang of a telegraphic bilk, yan is such-and-such (male, 21 years old) with Bao Mou some (male, 21 years old) as small as Mr Li letter, phone is in charge of undertaking communication in the case here, li Mou some (female, 17 years old) with Ma Mou some (female, 16 years old) the identity information that is in charge of buying a holiday and take money.

Network platform trades want discretion, cannot covet small profit

Huang Zhanquan still tells a reporter, the suspect serves as " middleman " , right secondhand the forklift trades have certain knowledge, also use this kind to trade just about the flaw of existence, with money of this diddle others.

And " Tang Shan small Wei " Xiang Lixian gives birth to the information such as offerred video, picture is to come from sell this the paragraph is secondhand the Zhang San of the forklift (alias) , the quote at that time is Zhang San 110 thousand yuan, suspicion is factitious coax plum gentleman, inform its this forklift needs 56000 yuan only, then Mr Li of covet petty gain was duped.

Huang Zhanquan warns broad citizen at this point, network platform trades want discretion, "Do not want covet small profit above all, this forklift that Mr Li buys quotes lowest also wants 80 thousand yuan, so 50 thousand multivariate price has feline dirt probably. " additional, huang Zhanquan suggests, when doing business on the net, want to check the identity information of the other side carefully, "With respect to Mr Li this case is told, ' Tang Shan small Wei ' Id shows is Guangxi person, but his conversation does not have accent of a bit southern, this is suspectable. This is suspectable..

As we have learned, the 4 average per capita in this gang are bear person of heart city flourishing county, they are right since 2018, the guilty fact that pretends to be intermediary partnership to carry out telegraphic bilk 6 cases is admitted, the experience record amount that already fulfilled now amounts to 100 thousand yuan. Current, 4 crime suspect already send under escort replies detention house of yuan of public security bureau of family name county in, the case is being dug greatly further in.

■ civil / Heibei youth signs up for reporter Liu Shansha

■ editor / Pi Xueyan

■ offer a plan / yuan public security bureau of family name county

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