Early in the morning suckles pa twice to be basked in in the each other on gregarious Zhang date now ugly according to.
Yu Wenle was shared on Ins outstanding human relations " tall paste is illuminated " , match civil: "My driver, a lot of people say he resembles Zhou Jielun " . Hahaha! Zhong Jielun head wears the photograph knitting cap, wear a black letter to guard the clothes, be to drive to be compared at the same time at the same time " Yeah " ?
Subsequently, outstanding human relations unwilling also give the impression of weakness, give out a piece to close according to, there is handsome Liu in the photograph grand, beautiful and delicate Kun Ling. Only alone eye narrow one's eyes wears Yu Wenle. Short very little head, wear clothes of deep blue bull-puncher. Zhou Jielun matchs civil: "Take a picture the eye should be opened, the picture that who calls your chaos Po me " .
Return doubly a tooth for a tooth! Ha!
Everybody should discover Zhou Jielun is true is to go which party is taking Kun Ling!
" head character D " photograph, also cause a memory to kill. The netizen sighs with emotion in succession: What time passes is really fast, where does youth go to. Or else pats head character D2 old!
Everybody also calls Chen Guanxi and Chen Xiaochun to wait piece in main actor.