Clean the Yangtse River 1 hour, 45 lover that watch a bird are in rubbish of Tian Xingzhou picking u

Clean the Yangtse River 1 hour, 45 lover that watch a bird are in rubbish of Tian Xingzhou picking up

Volunteers are begun in Tian Xingzhou " clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " action Wang Haifang is photographed

Media of be in harmony of daily of the Yangtse River on March 24 dispatch " warm duck of Chun Jiang water is prophetic " , water bird people also come to the side of the Yangtse River as vernal footstep. 24 days morning, a flock of taking move " spear weak point prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan " the person that watch a bird comes to Tian Xingzhou, watch a bird already, also do cleanness for bird, attend " clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " the action, picking up 10 packets big river beach rubbish.

On March 24 morning, association of bird of Wuhan city outlook is held the 3rd times in Tian Xingzhou " Ren Diao flies greet Tian Xingzhou of habitat of army carry, protection, clean the Yangtse River " commonweal activity. Association volunteer 4, kiss 11 groups child family 25, social personage 7, undergraduate 9, add up to 45 staff play an activity.

Volunteers are begun in Tian Xingzhou " clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " action Wang Haifang is photographed

Senior and natural adviser Mr. Tang Xun coachs everybody comes to the side of Jiang Zhou, be apart from surface more than meters 300, wear a far lens of keep a lookout, telephoto lens, search the flyer on river side. "Have 3 black marabou " , agitato of a volunteer cried, "A cormorant is in fish, seemed to have a big fish " ... subsequently, surprise sound as one falls. According to rough statistic, inside 3 hours, they saw 14 kinds of birds in all, include duck of mouth of Zuo of golden the socket of eye, annulus neck Zuo , spot, egret, black marabou (one class protects the country) , chicken of wheat of palm head crow tit, grey head, magpie.

Daily of the Yangtse River initiates " clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " cause volunteer of the association that watch a bird attention, "Clean the Yangtse River " what also make activity of this view bird is new increase an action. Many 40 volunteer is after the end that watch a bird, took out the rubbish bag that carries oneself, clip length lever to cut, begin the rubbish on ground of picking up beach. Rubbish basically has polybag, plastic bottle to wait. Often come to what Tian Xingzhou watchs a bird " insipid it is true " say, these rubbish are Jiang Shui a little those who bring, some are to come to what the person of amuse oneself abandons, a lot of flyer forage here, if eat,entered plastic article, endanger life probably.

Volunteers are begun in Tian Xingzhou " clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " action Wang Haifang is photographed

11 when make, the person that day of Xing Zhouchun will come to to swim before is increasing, a lot of people are taking those who eat to drink dine together here. A hour is much, the volunteers that watch a bird picking up 10 packets of big rubbish, everybody was carrying rubbish to go up bank, put garbage can inside.

Controller of the association that watch a bird introduces, "Clean the Yangtse River 1 hour " the groovy motion that will make the activity that watch a bird henceforth, watch the picking up periphery rubbish after the bird ends every time, protect the environment of avian life. (Wang Haifang of reporter of division of yellow division of reporter Jin Tao)

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