Has everybody had by the experience of false advertisement flicker?

Has everybody had by the experience of false advertisement flicker?

Gallinaceous man younger brother says groovy time

(Individual viewpoint, pure belong to recreation)

Has everybody had by the experience of false advertisement flicker?

Gallinaceous man younger brother: The false advertisement nowadays, mix those false caption are euqally abhorrent, look outside light is bright beautiful, go in to look let a person find both funny and annoying, for instance this caption party, "She ever was Zhao osmund close younger sister, suffer much person is act indecently towards, marry nowadays rich and powerful family " , such article light sees caption be frightened so that boil! Does Zhao Wei have close little sister actually? Still have such life horror actually? Still can marry finally actually rich and powerful family, my day, I what excuse ignorance of the Eight Diagrams, rate point goes in look at, go in to see me want to say to there is horse of 50 million careless muds in the heart only gallopping, article content is actually " love is deep rain is drizzly " gut, saying is the dream duckweed that acts the little sister that depend on duckweed by the person a act indecently towards paragraph this, duckweed of the dream that perform is received from the back the actor current situation of this part, marry rich and powerful family! Of hole dad, such engraft gave the title of such cowhide with respect to lane of raw uncultivated land. Still have a fiercer caption party, "Groups the young person is young suffer the murderous scheme changes body dwarf, first love cummer does not leave do not abandon still with live together " , my day, so malign case, so the love that sense day uses the land? Dot, must nod go in look! Go in to look, huge hole, what say actually is Japanese cartoon " renown detective Ke Na " , what can we still say? Must hit CALL for these brothers that design caption, so Jing just admires, without the science and technology that goes be a country development makes contribution is do work unworthy of one's talents really!

Friends, are you returned by what false caption or does advertisement hole pass? Everybody chats, say to say interesting story!

Horse of one character midday achieves expression formerly, ask authority kindly accept!

Has everybody had by the experience of false advertisement flicker?

Plan: Gallinaceous man younger brother

Write civil: Gallinaceous man younger brother

Insert a picture: Equestrian gentleman

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