Taxi of the city zone of chaste tree door is red black a list of names posted up the 5th period list

The 5th period driver of taxi of the city zone " red black a list of names posted up " announced. The near future, again what driver is worth everybody to hit Call for him, surround together below view!

Taxi of the city zone of chaste tree door is red black a list of names posted up the 5th period list is announced,

Taxi of the city zone of chaste tree door is red black a list of names posted up the 5th period list is announced,

Taxi of the city zone of chaste tree door is red black a list of names posted up the 5th period list is announced,

Black in Feburary 2019 a list of names posted up

Go up reason of a list of names posted up: The service is bad to be complained by the passenger or by only investigate publicly and privately discovers the class problem

Taxi of the city zone of chaste tree door is red black a list of names posted up the 5th period list is announced,

Hope firm of location of above black a list of names posted up and driver height take seriously, learn a lesson, rectify and reform promotion, strive for jump honour board next time.

Ask young associate people supervise together, the welcome dials traffic to serve a hot line 12328 perhaps be in traffic small letter is online complain platform to undertake complaining feedback.

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