Court of people of stone wall county breaks his promise to be carried out person information is publ

Break his promise to be carried out person

Court of people of stone wall county breaks his promise to be carried out person information is public show (2019 01 period 07)

Full name: Zhang Wenhan

Sexual distinction: Male

Address: Countryside of magnolia of stone wall county east group of back of hill of hole village horn

Introduction of details of a case: 2014 in order to need capital have enough to meet need loan 80 thousand yuan, after put on record is carried out, avoid carry out, miss, be without reimbursement apiration

Time of put on record: On September 10, 2018

Executive record date: (2018) another name for Jiangxi Province 0735 hold 988

Executive court: Court of people of stone wall county

What become effective writ decides is compulsory: Zhang Wenhan should remand applicant loan principal reachs accrual 80 thousand yuan

Person be executived fulfills a circumstance: Have not fulfill

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