Thing of this 3 type is not put inside the car, appear easily safe hidden trouble!

The price of the car falls detective ceaselessly nowadays, buying a car also is a very bad thing no longer. After a lot of people bought a car, can like to be added inside the car install or set something. But not be whats can be put inside the car, because some things are put inside the car, appear easily safe hidden trouble.


Thing of this 3 type is not put inside the car, appear easily safe hidden trouble!

The car of some smoking advocate, machine of on 9 fire can be put inside the car, go to the lavatory to ignite when smoking inside the car. Put the word of a lighter inside the car actually, be existence fire hidden trouble. Especially summer when, because the temperature outside weather hot cell is high, after car is insolated by the sun, the temperature inside the car is very high. And possible meeting produces igneous engine because of high temperature explosion, ignite interior trim thereby, cause a car by burn down.

The car carries scent

Thing of this 3 type is not put inside the car, appear easily safe hidden trouble!

A lot of cars advocate like to buy a few cars to carry scent, place in in accuse a stage to go up. But there are all sorts of inferior cars to carry scent on market, if buy inferior perfume to put the word inside the car, may browbeat above all human body is healthy. Actually inferior perfume is put inside the car to be insolated by the sun, may produce explosion, cause car spontaneous combustion.

The car carries small place

Thing of this 3 type is not put inside the car, appear easily safe hidden trouble!

Some cars advocate like to buy a few small place put in in accuse to go up, in letting, accuse to look so not drab. But what should know these are good-looking is small place, in happen expand accident when, because powerful impact is big, cause harm probably 2 times to the personnel inside the car. It is so inside the car in accuse to go up, had better not place small place.

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