Life and death 3 minutes! Danger of car of road of sororal travel high speed encounters spontaneous

Life and death 3 minutes! Danger of car of road of sororal travel high speed encounters spontaneous combustion urgent hour, policeman...

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Report from our correspondent (Liu Mengyu of reporter Cai Yunlei's exercitation reporter) recently, group of tall this world of high speed policeman patrols policeman travel arrives when direction of Baoding of the high speed that maintain a warehouse, discover one gules minibus stays on drive, and risking black smoke. The case is proved before the policeman goes up, discovery has two women inside the car, expression is absentminded. Car headlight is divided and black smoke appears in cab console aperture, the policeman judges car will spontaneous combustion. Then, the policeman is taken out immediately broken tear open a tool, inside 3 minutes two women from after be being rescued inside the car, situation of fire of car spontaneous combustion develops quickly, sill wears a remnant that is burned for an instant.

Life and death 3 minutes! Danger of car of road of sororal travel high speed encounters spontaneous combustion urgent hour, policeman...

Minibus spontaneous combustion

As we have learned, on March 22 8 when make, group of tall this world of high speed policeman patrols policeman travel arrives when direction of Baoding of the high speed that maintain a warehouse, discover one gules minibus stays on drive, automobile body is risking black smoke. Subsequently, prove a case ahead instantly. Discovery is taking two middleaged ladies inside the car, expression insecurity is at a loss and cry for help aloud, and two ladies cannot be opened because of safety belt cannot move, car headlight is in and black smoke still appears inside cab console aperture, the policeman judges this car will spontaneous combustion.

Life and death 3 minutes! Danger of car of road of sororal travel high speed encounters spontaneous combustion urgent hour, policeman...

The policeman comes to help

Then, the policeman sees this circumstance dominates the scene segregation instantly. And take go out broken tear open a tool, safety belt clipping, two ladies from rescue inside the car. After the policeman finds a place for party appropriate, rapid Qing Dynasty removed the spot. Immediately, situation of fire of car spontaneous combustion develops quickly.

Since classics policeman examines this car to be purchased from 2009, had passed move of change the name of owner in a register 3 times, car ageing, maintain undeserved, cause circuit short circuit to cause spontaneous combustion.

Life and death 3 minutes! Danger of car of road of sororal travel high speed encounters spontaneous combustion urgent hour, policeman...

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