Because male spermary is the breeding ground that produces sperm, if his spermary is not quite big,a lot of males worry, the crop that can bring about spermatozoon decreases, affect fecundity thereby. In this respect, the expert expresses to say, the size of spermary has a range, the healthy grown man spermary inside normal limits won't affect fecundity.
And south the university is accessary Professor Wei Bo ever accepted bridge of doctor of chairman of surgery of make water of secrete of the first hospital interview express, male spermary is to be inside scrotum, control each one, appearance is elliptic, the weight of every spermary is 15 grams left and right sides probably, the main function of spermary is to secrete androgen and generate spermatozoon. Want spermary to be able to produce enough spermatozoon and androgen to be able to be borne only. Erect in the penis the function is good, and the raw energy function of spermary is normal, produce an effect without opposite Yo, spermary size asymmetry can not affect fecundity, do not worry too so.
Accordingly, want two side size to be inside normal limits only, won't affect bear. Nevertheless, when a side spermary apparent too big or too hour, be necessary to consider the presence of the disease, answer to have urological department examination and treatment in time to the hospital. Some people as a child spermary is size differ, the bulk of a side spermary slants small, texture is very soft, and appeared to side acting countervail sex is proliferous, the difference is apparent, this is a side congenital spermary development is undesirable bring about. Experience of a side spermary is traumatic the situation that also can create size spermary appears, can cause spermary internal haemorrhage and spermary oedema, bring about spermary to offer hematic inadequacy, gradually atrophic, be less than another side apparently.
Although male fecundity won't suffer the size effect of spermary, but the fecundity that a lot of elements can affect the man, besides the congenital element of genetic gene, acquired element also can bring a few influences, than following faces this undesirable habit:
Sauna can make the person relaxes drive, eliminate a day tired, have the effect of disappear ill fitness, a lot of people are very satisfactory to this. However, expert warning says, be the culprit that sauna just becomes a few young sterility. The reason is born in spermary with respect to the spermatozoon that is male friend, temperature requirement is very strict, it must maintain ability falls in 34 Celsius and the environment between 35 Celsius normal growth. The temperature outclass of sauna room this standard, go against spermatozoon to grow or cause spermatozoon death. Accordingly, the youth that still does not have the child can now and then undertake sauna, frequent patronage may cause barren circumstance to appear.