King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who

Recently, " the most powerful head " cerebrum is being sowed in heat, but why nervous and intense promotion competition, did not cause audience attention, and " is easy wood of king of Bao cloud doubt cogged " does the topic cause masses eating melon to discuss however? Actually, be in " the most powerful head " on arena, king sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, but to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know.

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

(The article is all picture, come from a network entirely, thank former writer, if violate your right, contact this date author to delete please. Picture and content have nothing to do)

" the combustion of the most powerful head cerebrum " the 2nd after Ji Kaibo, 100 learn outstandingly bully type player, draw everybody's look quickly, pass one round annulus than going all out hind, a strange phenomenon appeared, popular player is washed out one after another unexpectedly.

In the link that surpasses in promotion, program series makes game innovation, the means that uses assorted collocation has the competition, rank higher player to have the right of first choice teammate. Then, " the most powerful head " the second changes " date congress " , but the audience just began aunt laugh, the player of own Pick was washed out unexpectedly, even some players come on the stage repeatedly the occasion that becomes a problem is done not have.

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

After players promote successfully, the inter block knockout of each team is formal start shooting. Right now, the thing that absolutely did not think of happened, the header of the team of the cloud sends a message suddenly, his suspicion has a player to be in " the most powerful head " on arena cogged.

Back-to-back, wang Decai of player of the most powerful head gave out an account in one's own words, when preparing for war oneself, the thing of place happening tells an audience according to the facts.

Bao Yun is " the most powerful head " the player of patriarch level, his actual strength is beyond question. Bao cloud challenge is finished " honeycomb and labyrinthian " hind, did not attend international dual meet, because of Bao Yun take part in the match the project is too difficult, nobody dare challenge him. In the meantime, he still is the player of chess of blind of the first go that finish, be called " the first person of world of go blind chess " .

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

Such, have actual strength low-key player, be necessary to make up a story to take rhythm in disorder?

Raise doubt besides Bao Yun outside, king sunlighting top gem ever also had oppugned a program. Want water elder brother to give fight only, sure meeting takes next finals, no matter be in knockout, still be international dual meet, he never makes an audience disappointed. But, king sunlighting top gem ever also had been defeated.

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

King sunlighting top gem and this player is right war, the other side almost the second gives the answer. King sunlighting top gem returns future to must reach a book to write, the other side already answering question ends. After the Wei Kunlin of commissioner banquet sees such result, cannot help pursy brows. King sunlighting top gem the project of this match, it is the project that when this player promotes, replies. Right now, the audience of the spot also cannot help giving out the sound of doubt.

After be being discussed through, wei Kunlin wants to let Wang Yu top gem and this player replay, 10 groups of pictures had not appeared. Unexpectedly, after this player listens, say to want to prepare two days unexpectedly, are you to should go back carry the answer on the back? because of such, king sunlighting top gem is exited directly " the most powerful head " , with oneself real operation, oppugn the authenticity of this project.

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

King sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud ever had oppugned the authenticity of the program, to who who is wrong, the audience looks to know

After king sunlighting top gem quits game, bao Yun also ever was water elder brother to phonate, endeavor reductive the fact that gives oneself to know. In the process of the match, we can see, king sunlighting top gem and Bao cloud are very the friend that be close friends.

Be in " the combustion of the most powerful head cerebrum " , king sunlighting top gem accepts section purpose to invite again, this he decides to attend transcribe, it is to want to escort the Emperor to have deep love for mental children convoy. But in this season, we did not see the figure of water elder brother, and the topic is brushed to go up related the most powerful head after hot search, king sunlighting top gem mounts hot search again.

Program of put together art can be made beautiful, but the renown bugle call that making science is no good, each reader, how do you see oppugn cogged incident?

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