London injuries of 4 days of 5 sneak attack that hold a knife 5 people have nothing to do terroristi

Area of dust heart Meng Du produces ministry of northwest of British capital London 4 days 5 cases to hold event of knife wound person one after another, several people are injured. Police says 2 days, these a few incident concern couplet, but with terroristic have nothing to do.

Aidemengdu happened 4 cases to hold event of knife wound person to 31 days on March 30, charger from victim backside sneak attack, injure 4 people. Police is maintained, charger is probable alone do violence, commit the crime motive of short duration is not affirmatory.

Be in same area, a man of more than 30 years old was encountered on April 2 piece, at death's door. Police suspicion may be same name charger place is.

London injuries of 4 days of 5 sneak attack that hold a knife 5 people have nothing to do terroristic

The plan says: On October 1, 2017, aidemengdu ever had produced horror to assault incident. Visual China

Police has arrested suspect of related of name and this a few two incident.

Ke Makesi tells Lu of London police officer Reuter reporter: "I notice, the event that produces on the weekend has caused community tremendous panic and concern. The newest event that produces today is met in a state of anxiety of aggravate popular feeling. The newest event that produces today is met in a state of anxiety of aggravate popular feeling..

Teleisha Mei holds British premier 1 day special meeting, discuss how to answer England increasingly the incident of the force that hold a knife of grow in quantity. Official data shows, england and Cambria happened 285 cases to hold a knife to send person death episode 2018, be since having a record highest number.

Police says, in accuse gun environment strictly to fall, the cause that England opposes increase of knife force incident includes to peddle poisonous gang open fight between factions, gregarious media abet serve a project to throw inadequacy with the youth.

Adolescent joins guilty gang

The data of London police arrange shows, only the murder case of a year of London happening is medium 2017, what adolescent participates in exceed two to become. The grow in quantity of latter and violent incident, plus teenage be murdered rate and adolescent participate in the heighten that guilty gang leads, make people begins doubt: Why can London produce this kind of event?

Above all, be in England, still have a lot of illegal firearms and control cutting tool current. Of the end of the year 2017 big range ransacks in, london police captured 278 control cutting tool and 20 illegal firearms.

Next, alarm force inadequacy also brings about a lot of crime incident to cannot be checked in time. Since England since cutting governmental budget substantially, alarm force has fallen to come to 30 years lowermost level. The fall of constabulary number makes existing alarm the task of force is more onerous.

The 3rd, the grow in quantity of violent incident still was joining guilty gang at having a lot of adolescent. A few children that come from impoverished family, because did not get support necessarily and introductory, was on guilty road. Since since the government cut a budget 2011, 30 many teenage centers are shut, reduced quota of people of 12700 teenage minister.

"Alone the wolf makes a surprise attack " enter western culture

Although case of these a few do violence that hold a knife has eliminated the possibility of horrible assault, but at the beginning of British information branch still is being investigated will regard as above all " fear raid a likelihood " . Press the view of British media, new technology especially the emerge in large numbers of Internet and gregarious media, make " alone wolf type " assault is more young change. What make a person afraid more is, "Alone the wolf makes a surprise attack " entering western culture in, a bad actor that those won't put into practice killing impulse originally is incited take action, a findings report of institute of king of British London university points out, the near future a lot of " alone wolf charger " not be the person that has ultraism idea for a long time, discovery carries out violent act later through the name that moves with some this one way, actually they did not spend time and energy to add these ultraism activities truly. And this kind of trend is in difference of the rich and the poor is phyletic and tremendous, shirt-sleeve hard Europe, resemble London especially the minority of so big city has the market greatly among youth of a group of things with common features descendants.

British army retires major general Jones thinks, as " Mohammedan country " wait for horror to organize the be on the wane in middle east, europe increases by the risk of assault, above all, the horrible organization that moves toward be on the wane often fears Xi Pin through increasing second will show oneself are male wind is not decreased; Next, in control limits contractible circumstance falls, element of a few extremes turns into subterranean activity, many people return mother country and assault launchs in place, "Horrible organization head changes strategy, make the lackey interfuse of swagger through the street civilian in former days in the center, flee hither and thither reachs the world each district, bewitch youth, the organization is carried out fear raiding. The organization is carried out fear raiding..

Pluvial farming Wang Hongbin

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