Suffer a setback! Yunnan because these people are violated compasses use the problem such as fair ca

Suffer a setback! Yunnan because these people are violated compasses use the problem such as fair car to be reported

Yunnan saves period appoint province inspect appoint ↑ of website check scheme

On the palm spring on city dispatch palm spring city reporter saved period from Yunnan on March 30 appoint province inspect appoint the website learns, recently, age of article hill state appoint report 8 cases violate compasses deploy use official business to use car model issue, it is respectively:

Intermediate court is managing administrative division of 1. article hill class judge Ceng Jianhong is violated compasses use fair car to cheer card to cheer a problem for illicit car. Came in December 2014 during October 2016, ceng Jianhong uses fair car to cheer card for its illicit car add up to 15097.48 yuan. March 2018, ceng Jianhong gets within the party punishment of warning, the capital that violate discipline gives retreat capture.

Buckjump of secretary of Party committee of bureau of tourism of sports of wide report of former culture of county of 2. inkstone hill is violated compasses use fair car to cheer card to cheer a problem for illicit car. Came on November 1, 2016 on March 27, 2017, buckjump manages a director in live abroad of county of hill holding the post of inkstone during, use fair car to cheer card 13 times for its illicit car add up to 3429.15 yuan. December 2018, buckjump gets within the party punishment of warning, the capital that violate discipline gives retreat capture.

3. horse closes prefectural horse to press down governmental economy to develop office director Song Liangwen to violate in vain compasses use fair car to cheer card to cheer a problem for illicit car. Came in September 2017 October, song Liangwen is violated compasses use fair car to cheer card 3 times for its illicit car add up to 1021.63 yuan. May 2018, song Liangwen gets within the party punishment of warning, the capital that violate discipline gives retreat capture.

4. horse closes prefectural horse to press down Fan Wenjie of worker of service center of culture broadcasting television to violate in vain compasses use fair car to cheer card to cheer a problem for illicit car. Came in October 2017 November, fan Wenjie is in transfer during holding the position of a horse to close prefectural horse to press down party card to do a driver in vain, violate compasses use fair car to cheer card 3 times for its illicit car add up to 1027.87 yuan. May 2018, fan Wenjie gets administrative punishment of warning, the capital that violate discipline gives retreat capture.

5. horse closes prefectural horse to press down governmental driver Yang Rongsheng to violate in vain compasses use fair car to cheer card to cheer a problem for illicit car. In August 2017, yang Rongsheng is violated compasses use fair car to cheer card 2 times for its illicit car add up to 646.38 yuan. May 2018, yang Rongsheng gets within the party punishment of warning, the capital that violate discipline gives retreat capture.

Fair car illicit uses Tang Yinhong of director of bureau of judicatory of county of 6. inkstone hill problem. Came 3 days on January 1, 2018, the Tang Dynasty after Yin Hongxian two in order to visit relative, buy for kin this unit official business drives to be its individual to deal with private affairs with the car for the medicinal material. In December 2018, tang Yinhong gets within the party serious punishment of warning.

Tang Yinghai of the member that group of superintend of public security bureau of county of 7. inkstone hill is taught is violated compasses deploy use official business to use car issue. In March 2013, during Tang Yinghai is holding the position of public security bureau of inkstone hill county to make the same score far police inspector, weaving with the car without official business and did not report the circumstance that management department examines and approve fair car to fall, violate compasses buy road of a masses to watch cross-country car and a Jiang Ling to arrange model passenger car completely, car purchases cost, tax cost, adornment cost to add up to 549725 yuan. Two official business deal with settle formalities with company name with the car, put in public security bureau of inkstone hill county 's charge actually to make the same score management of far police station to use. In the meantime, tang Yinghai returns existence illicit to set " small exchequer " problem. January 2019, tang Yinghai gets cancel within the party post, government affairs dismisses punish, fall for a member of an administrative section, violate compasses bought official business uses country of county of Che Youyan hill endowment appoint give according to concerned regulation deal with.

8. is wide south the county is special the 5 people such as country of Huang Wentao of treasure of Zhangren of director of call together of Sun Jun of Huang Jie of pedagogic officer president, general affairs director, moral education, teacher, goosefoot violate compasses use official business to use a car. On November 18, 2015, 5 people go to country of call together of Huang Jie, Sun Jun, Zhang Renbao, goosefoot, Huang Wentao wide south countryside of prefectural base country fairdyke and dam beauty town are begun send religion come the activity returns way in, open fair car to fish to lake of 10 thousand peaks. On July 14, 2017, 3 people reach country of Huang Jie, Zhang Renbao, goosefoot wide south the county is black raise fruit countryside to begin send religion come after the activity ends, open fair car to fish to male appropriate reservoir. In the meantime, 3 people return call together of Huang Jie, Sun Jun, Zhang Renbao existence accepts company fete issue. In March 2018, huang Jie is asked by bulletin and conversational commandment exert oneself duty, country of Sun Jun call together, Zhang Renbao, goosefoot, Huang Wentao is asked respectively by the bulletin duty; Former channel returns the 5 people apportion such as Huang Jie to still use fair car to go out the fuel cost that fishing produces.

On the palm spring city reporter: Fu Yali

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