Learn to respond to a net to send the video that surround beat up in Qing Yuanyi: 5 this school are

Pass many schoolboy cuff and kick in the light of the net the video of another student, clear the city zone of remote town of Guangdong province Qing Dynasty learns main controller to told insurgent news recently in Song Gang (Www.thepaper.cn) , 5 person that lay a person fasten this school 7 grade student, by student of batsman department other school, the student that lay a person already was made by the school processing of record a demerit, and to was written by batsman apologetic book, father and mother of the student that be hit also approves the processing result of the school.

On March 31 16 when 23 minutes, remote region of Qing Dynasty of @ of small gain netizen releases video small gain to say, loose hillock middle school produces 45 man students cruel the event of campus ride roughshod over that calls a man student. Rich advocate say to receive fight video already had half moon, the ability after seeking testimony repeatedly was sent.

Learn to respond to a net to send the video that surround beat up in Qing Yuanyi: 5 this school are unripe beat up other school to be born,

Cut of small gain video pursues

In video, one schoolboy kick the student that be hit one foot, a flock of back-to-back people are right cuff and kick of the student that be hit, latter trip is in the ground, a flock of people are surrounded go up continue to beat up, kick of a schoolboy is in meantime to be hit student head, still have a student filming hit a course.

The staff member tells bureau of education of clear the city zone insurgent news, after be informed this matter, they informed Song Gang of the middle school instantly.

On April 1, chief tells insurgent news related loose hillock middle school, after school know this matter on March 31 19 when establish investigation group 30 minutes. According to investigation, this incident happens at was being controlled in October 2018, because video pours out of ability humanness place,know recently. Teacher of school of study of Confusion classics identifies, 5 students that lay a person all are this school 8 grade student, the student that be hit flies for clear the city zone 7 grade student learns in the lake, incident produced quarrel to cause because of both sides only.

Afore-mentioned relevant controller express, at present the thing already got settlement, the school makes disciplinary action of record a demerit to 5 students that lay a person, and punish them wrote apologetic book to give be hit student, the school also is met according to relevant rules laws and regulations, fight each other person student undertakes ruling by law educational. The parents of the student that be hit also approbated the processing of the school.

Government-owned net data shows, loose hillock middle school is located in either end of a bridge of hole of stone of sanded highway of Qing Dynasty of far urban district clear, cover an area of a face to accumulate 130 mus, establish 1994, have education class 50, 2500 people of student, 177 people of pedagogic.

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