Be suspected of be being imprisoned illegally, thing of recommit of await trial of be bailed out two

Recently, court of Zhang Wan district undertakes publicity adjudging to a case, han Mou of 10 lasher man and his uncle He Mou 2 people are sentenced respectively 10 years 6 months mix the set term of imprisonment 15 years, nephew of this mother's brother two what issue to make after all?

Because of dispute over obligation, lock another person illegally 81 hours

2017, citizen Wang Mou lends a part fund from Han Mou company, the Wang Mou inside the date that has talked things over in two people is done not have on schedule reimbursement, urge for many times should not have fruit hind, han Mou indicates belt of Wang Mou of at hand general to press for payment of debts in the company.

Return money for press Wang Mou, the person such as Han Mou is adopted early or late beat up, do not give have a meal drink the kind such as water, coerce its issue a river to swim even, undertake to Wang Mou time is as long as 81 hours be imprisoninged illegally.

After Wang Mou is missing, its family is searched with all possible means without signed up for if really alarm. Substation of Dong Yue public security dispatchs quickly alarm force undertakes searching, consistent case is investigated. It is final inside Han Mou's office Wang Mou rescue, arrest the suspect of two guard.

Han goes out when hair of some on record, wind is heard to run away quickly after. The policeman does the work to its relatives and friends for many times, relapse below the admonish, force its a criminal give himself up to the police finally to confess one's crime. On Feburary 13, 2017, because Han Mou is suspected of imprisoning a blame illegally to be adopted by Dong Yue substation coercive measures.

To seek an increase, mother's brother nephew peddles poison to arrive from Sichuan 10 lasher

Do not have derive to teach a lesson during await trial of Han Mou be bailed out, continue to be engaged in violating guilty activity instead, still be infected with went up drugs. In the course of contacts, han some pull wires builds the bridge, the uncle that pursues drugs trade in Sichuan He Mou and 10 lasher poison peddle Shi Mou to receive above to undertake drugs trades, stem from the acknowledgment to him, shi Mou and He Mou offer drugs freely every time, offer Han Mou suck.

Be suspected of be being imprisoned illegally,

Do in all these of their flatter oneself when flawless, dong Yue police is stared at already actually on they, and cloth left one magnify network. Static it is mature to wait a turn, the policeman is decisive hit out, inside firm office of Han Mou, successful He Mou, Han Mou, Shi Mou 3 people are captured, and poison of spot ferret ice and drug taking tool.

Careful is investigated, police behead breaks the chain that peddle poison

Experience case personnel arrives after the case, case group spreads out instantly dash forward careful. According to a few people explain, policeman abide line is tracked, much ground controls a network, shi Mou get offline to be seized along with all the others.

So far, this case declare is detected, dong Yue police is seized in all suck, the personnel that peddle poison 23 people, adopt criminal coercive measures 8 people, capture ice is poisonous 170 more than gram, Ma Guo 5 grams, commit the crime car 2.

Be suspected of be being imprisoned illegally,

The part captures drugs

Be suspected of be being imprisoned illegally,

Experience case personnel

By 2018, court of Zhang Wan district passes open cognizance, enter a judgement to Han Mou lawfully: Traffic drugs crime in order to make, sentence its set term of imprisonment 10 years, fine 30 thousand yuan; Take pain of other drug taking in order to make an appearance, sentence its set term of imprisonment 9 months, fine 2000 yuan; Imprison a blame illegally in order to make, sentence its set term of imprisonment 1 year 3 months. Count a blame and punish, the decision carries out a set term of imprisonment 10 years to Han Mou 6 months, fine 32 thousand yuan. He Mou is trafficced because of making, carriage drugs crime, sentence a set term of imprisonment 15 years.

Begin oneself sweep black since working except evil special accuse and denounce at a meeting, dong Yue substation hits suspect of crime of case of thing of processing experience cruel corporal punishment in all 47 people, investigate drug taking personnel 128 people, poison of compulsive segregation give up 23 people, instruct poison of community give up 39 people, new discovery drug taking personnel 72 people, hunt down in all cultivate case of drugs former plant illegally 9 cases, investigate break the law cultivate personnel 9 people.

Sweep black eliminating evil job is people live and work in peace and contentment base, the path that is social long period of order and stability. Mo Zhanhuang, not experience is betted, far drugs, make from me!

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