"Expire vaccinal incident " investigation: Still give the child security please

"Expire vaccinal incident " investigation: Still give the child security please

Although have layer upon layer the rigid system that guard a pass, but approve overdue vaccine or entered child system inside, and their age is 4 3 2 months, months, months only, 4 years old. Those who happen in Jiangsu gold lake this expire vaccinal incident indeed abominable. So, what little-known detail is there in incident? What issue did vaccinal superintendency give after all with use process? How to avoid similar incident to repeat? Recently, reporter of this print engage by special arrangement was taking these problems to undertake be interviewinged deep.

Shocking: Take to the child " sugar pill " already expired

This incident involves expire vaccinal name is " the poliomyelitis decreases poisonous live vaccine " , people call his normally " sugar pill " . "Sugar pill " main contriver is virus expert Gu Fangzhou (died on January 2, 2019, die at the age of 92 years old) . Spoke of China eliminating the gain of the poliomyelitis thoroughly, old professor ever said affectionately: "If Premier Zhou returns be still living and in good health, I think method is reported to him certainly, I achieved the commitment to you. I achieved the commitment to you..

"Expire vaccinal incident " investigation: Still give the child security please

The place that has an accident this calls Jin Hu, it is Jiangsu saves mid the Huaihe River to bring city (the birthplace of Premier Zhou) a county issueing administer, golden lake county mails a lake lake be answeringed by white Ma Hu, treasure, high 3 lakes surround, natural scenery is very beautiful. Golden lake original name old lake, cause week favor comes to a premier after personally incognito, indicative resourceful, sunrise fights gold.

However, go up in this treasure ground namely, produced the job of a such be left speechless with wonder or fear making a person however. Somebody rave: "They are too dirty, which have a face see Premier Zhou in the future? Which have a face see Premier Zhou in the future??

On January 7, 2019 midday a bit, wu Jiang (alias) the couple is taking son of 4 years old to set out, they should hurry to goosefoot town to prevent before 1:30 guarantee place. Wu Jiang is the physician of adjacent town hospital, he plans to wait for a son to take " sugar pill " hind, let a wife take a son to play a little while, he is in a hospital to keep medical record to oneself.

Controlled at 2 o'clock, the son was taken " sugar pill " , because press the ability after the regulation gets observation half hours to leave, wujiang's couple is inside house with person prattle, appear in the house of grow in quantity as the child roister rise, they hold the son in the arms to the outside. Scratch is, there is a vaccine to wrap bagging on son hand, occupational instinct let Wu Jiang had taken bag, seeing vaccinal lot number is " 201612158 " hind, he remembered a paragraph of word that has seen on the magazine: Vaccine wants to be saved with special method, period of efficacy is two years more or 3 years.

Wu Jiang made an observant and conscientious person, he leafs through the vaccinal and vaccinal minute book of own son, after the lot number on the bag that checked the vaccinal lot number on the notebook and son to take is uniform, immediately uses mobile phone online inquiry, discover very quickly, the period of efficacy of vaccine of this one batch was on December 11, 2018 unexpectedly, now the day already was on January 7, 2019, that is to say, this batch of vaccine already expired a month.

Wu Jiang's heart plumps plumpingly mad start comes, the son was taken unexpectedly expire vaccinal! He finds the doctor that a moment ago fed medicine, the doctor does not admit vaccine has a problem. At issue, a lot of parents gathered to come over, everybody after the vaccinal and vaccinal minute book of microscope oneself, discovering vaccinal lot number also is " 201612158 " .

This falls child, prevent keep the flee in terrorfry in deep fat or oil in place nest, because prevent,protect a subject Li Cheng to press down a hospital, someone seeks hospital guidance, a leader asks everybody to await period of time, let him undertake investigating saying again. Another leader says, they every month can go according to dosage disease accuses a center to take take vaccine, won't deposit overmuch vaccine, although this vaccine expires really, also belong to special situation.

The manner of the hospital is disappointing, somebody sends the message on small letter, natural somebody transmit, this matter resembled very quickly growing passed like wing. Because backbone is grey vaccinal use regulation is: 4 3 2 months, months, months, 4 years old are planted vaccinal, involve an area so very wide.

"Expire vaccinal incident " investigation: Still give the child security please

The child of whose home is baby? Everybody's mood is unusually afflictive. A parent writes in friend circle: "My dear son, I am sorry! Mom let you had escaped false vaccinal incident, fail to let you escape however expire vaccinal. I am very very special concern, helpless, self-condemned, if likely, I eat for you at the outset it is much better to go down. " in interviewing, the lady of a surname grandson says: "I am to believe to prevent so guarantee place, how to want to attend a meeting the child is used expire vaccinal? Doesn't your home have the child? How does give the heart to harm them? How does give the heart to harm them??

Begin in the morning from January 8, more and more parents begin to beg view, this matter caused government of golden lake county Party committee, county very quickly take seriously. On January 11, date of small letter public " golden lake dispatch " release " my county profess to convinced expires vaccinal incident circumstance reports backbone ash " . The bulletin says, through the phone of one by one to vaccinal children parent the platoon is checked, come go on a tour of inspection, preliminary and affirmatory entire county 145 children are vaccinal expire backbone ash is vaccinal.

Clutch wrist deep sigh: Safe bottom line why once more fall

Should say, the processing of golden lake county to vaccinal incident is seasonable and serious, they investigate relevant responsibility person on one hand, take out on the other hand include to see a doctor freely, check-up inside plan chooses for the parent, still establish special board of inquiry to ranking ask for instructions. The heart below Dan Jing will want, these measure can calculate mend the fold after a sheep is lost only, if can abide a system, such accident is complete avoidable!

The origin of this batch vaccine is: On May 9, 2017, the Huaihe River installs city disease to accuse a center to deserve to send to disease of golden lake county to control a center; On May 18, 2017, disease of golden lake county accuses central cold chain to deserve to send to goosefoot city hospital. Since approach is proper, with fake commodity is touched not above, why did that still have an accident?

The bulletin says, this incident is typical liability accident. The member that goosefoot town hospital prevents custodian of the vaccine that guarantee place, vaccinal personnel was not carried out strictly " 3 check 7 pairs " system, custodial personnel did not press a regulation batch of vaccine of fixed check the amount, significant time, vaccinal personnel did not check when use vaccinal lot number, bring about 21 to expire backbone grey vaccine is used. The process is here medium, person of ranking concerned responsibility and responsibility branch did not walk on duty seriously.

Below the friend's help, the reporter interviewed golden lake public security bureau a police officer, at the outset when the parent calls the police, he ever had reached the spot, also participated in the processing of incident later. This police officer thinks, backbone grey vaccine belongs to a kind of vaccine, the country deserves to send, on outer packing many have free two words, expired disease of direct fall back on controls a center, with economy far from embroil. Main reason can be a staff member only lazy ill show effect.

This police officer says, want to differentiate vaccine to expire to need what major knowledge far from, want to input lot number and manufacturing date on relevant webpage only, see a result very quickly. For confirm this one view, the reporter inputted to expire in relevant webpage vaccinal lot number, be clear at a glance of company of result vaccine name, production, stocks, period of efficacy, and return special remind: Forbidden use expire vaccinal.

To Wu Jiang the son is taken expire vaccinal doctor shows already suspend sb from his duties accepts processing, she says herself to the reporter very injustice, prevent protect place to have 12 people only, a person should do a few the individual's things, most a day of vaccinal quantity achieves a long time 500 person-time, tired all over be tired out, which have time to manage other issues? The reporter cannot help saying: "Weekly have an inoculation also with respect to 9 days, other in 5 days, take out date of the birth below dichotomy bell care not to go? " this doctor talked in whispers sentence " the thing that is superior then " , no longer much word.

The reporter calls to accuse central inquiry to disease of golden lake county, the personnel that pick up the telephone says: "We have for certain superintend lax responsibility, it is this to approve vaccine at the outset, we ever urged Guo Licheng presses down a hospital, they were not retreated, we also forgot. " was full of really in utterance repent.

In covering a process, the reporter discovers parents still care another problem, approve backbone grey vaccine to expire besides this namely, still have other vaccine to be put in similar problem. A gentleman that the surname impetuouses ever told a reporter, his home and kin home in all 4 children by have an inoculation expire vaccinal, among them the earliest happening is in 2014. Another lady of surname summer also tells a reporter, the child is vaccinal in December 2017 yaricella is vaccinal, check now, period of efficacy was on December 25, 2016 unexpectedly. Below this one setting, someone says, goosefoot town hospital is used expire vaccine already was as long as 10 years, and involve a variety of vaccine.

To the parent's doubt, golden lake county is defended plan sectional answer is, the place on the net passes existence more to expire vaccinal message all is disloyal information. Golden lake county defends Chen Hua of director of committee of planning to say: "Staff member for graph save trouble, the lot number in registry office computer is them type ahead of schedule... bring about computer lot number and manual lot number easily not to agree consequently. " he still says, regular meeting be practical and realistic reflects a condition, everything waits for conclude of ranking board of inquiry.

To the view of Director Chen, what we choose is to believe, because the biggest hope in our heart is, took without more child really expire vaccinal.

When reporter and Wu Jiang prattle, he plaints: "Goosefoot town expires a series of staff members that vaccinal incident involves and leader, if a person uses mug-up, such thing can avoid completely. " he said such " awakward " method: "After a batch of vaccinal receiving of cargo for storage, stick a mark of term of service to go up with advantage, not with respect to be clear at a glance? Not with respect to be clear at a glance??

So simple thing led to big event however, make a person incomprehensible really.

Recall a painful experience: Build a conscience defense line to children

Let a person times feeling is gratified is, this expire the attention that vaccinal incident already caused a high level.

On January 16, 2019, lou Qinjian of director of standing committee of National People's Congress of secretary of Jiangsu provincial Party committee, province, attend Jiangsu to save thirteenth how does when city delegacy is discussed, conference the Huaihe River emphasize people's congress the 2nd times, right " Jin Hu expires vaccinal incident " should depend on lawfully compasses the gravity that depend on discipline investigates duty.

On January 18, 2019, ground of care of Li Kejiang of premier of members of standing committee of the Political Bureau of Central Committee of Communist Party of China, the State Council enquires at present chronic of our country children comes on circumstance, exhort to clutch about the branch study afore-mentioned issues, emphasize wanting to be superintended strictly, absolutely cannot recurrent have an inoculation expires the problem of invalidation vaccine.

However, static next hearts will think, expire vaccine can have been used long, doesn't our parent have a bit responsibility?

On January 10, 2019, when an expert of Shanghai accepts media to interview, emphasize expiring vaccinal incident is to manage reason hind to say purely, expire actually to health it doesn't matter is endangered for vaccinal itself, period of efficacy exceeds less than of half an year to need not worry basically. Before long hind, a Jiangsu saves disease to accuse answer of expert of place of central immunization program, on security, it is to expire merely, had not appeared commonly what big question. But the reaction that causes as a result of vaccine is to be inside 14 days for the most part, appropriate for the purpose of, during the proposal observes, widen to 40 days, strengthen along with visit.

Unexpected is, the word of two experts drew on many quarrelling sounds unexpectedly: Are you drunk tall? Vaccine is not milk, drink a dot to increase nutrition more; This makes a person indignant really, it is medicine 3 minutes poison; Is the expert surnamed very renown who? Dare sign detain of calligraphy and painting to shine a photograph...

Friend Professor Zhou Yongdong of the reporter is famous vaccinal expert, he says, above the word of two experts should do not have a problem, but expressive means appears a bit directer, because everybody is the afraidest, is follow-up problem. Professor Zhou says: "Vaccine is put in period of efficacy, passed period vaccinal effect price cannot assure quite, appear likely bacterial pollution. " Professor Zhou proposal, expire to taking vaccinal children has professional checkup, discover in time and eliminate potential potential risk.

To write the article, reporter specially is like Gao Bai Puzhen to prevent in Jiangsu protect place to have observation, full in two hours, neither one parent asks medicine the name or see medicaments date, mother of grandfather grandma, father, without an other place only the doctor's word is from, let sign, let fool the child to fool the child, the medical case of ash-bin of at one's convenience piles completely, also did not collect to rise do an observant and conscientious person.

Professor Zhou that travels together with the reporter can'ts help sighing with emotion, whether does vaccine expire not to need expert identifying, the parent makes attention can discover a problem slightly, but reality is however, most parent is careless, do not go thinking, do not go derive lesson. Professor Zhou says, when making vaccine every time, check looks up a doctor to fill in complete information in vaccine to go up originally, input on Baidu again " vaccinal inquiry " , continue to operate according to clew next can.

Actually, we the parent of 99% is capable to identify expire vaccinal, capable to undertake supervisory to public service, but the person of real operation is little little. is the neglect of their itself, make from some respect expire vaccine is produced by vaccinal incident.

Yes, we do not lack regulations system, " vaccinal and current with vaccinate regulation " and " vaccinate job standard " already applied, also do not lack the leader's care, if the attention plus parent oneself, so, all problems not Dou Yingren and was solved?

Still be that adage, severity of 10 thousand after the event is investigated, not consistent second sex stems from fountainhead flaw, and the weapon of shot-off of loss abides by legal laws and regulations namely, enhance staff member responsibility those who raise the parent is heart, heavy diopter.

We are certain, this day of regular meeting comes.

Author / Fang Chi

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