One did not make the same score to rise again
Abrupt of epidemic situation arrival is prevented not as good as
Flu season still has not end this year
Much ground begins to erupt continuously however hives epidemic situation
Sicken, infect, deadly
Affect many countries mix the whole world area
Be in several days ago
From a message that Hong Kong transmits
Caused vigilance of in the bookshops and attention again
Hong Kong diagnose 31 hives, achieve 5 years new tall!
The circumstance of epidemic situation begins is such ↓ ↓
Go up month 13, a man of Hong Kong this locality, be in suddenly begin to have a fever in the evening greatly, be gotten on to suffer from by diagnose subsequently hives!
And the sky that this man is Guo Taihang sky is little, this is first airport diagnose case!
Subsequently, on March 22, hong Kong sanitation defends the center holds a press conference, the conference announces 3 people diagnose to be hives patient.
And as we have learned, this 3 people work in Hong Kong airport, two are the member that baggage is carried, one is security personnel.
To this, sanitation defends central doctor, also state the circumstance already belonged to hives to erupt now, do not have usually beforehand appraise arrives, half short inside lunar time, appeared a few case!
And arrived on March 26, hong Kong reappear 5 hives are new a case, end till March 27, had typed 25 hives case of illness, achieve 5 years new tall!
In this among them, more stubborn case appeared!
Division of foreign nationality male aircraft becomes the person that virus is infected!
Everything comes so suddenly.
Defend according to wholesome arrange sanitation the center is announced, in numerous patient, division of male aircraft of foreign nationality of a peaceful of 41 years old of countries also is by diagnose hives patient!
Division of this name aircraft has a fever at appearing on March 12 reach begin eruption, but pull ability to demand medical service to hospital of big island hill all the time.
Its seriousness was here: He at virus preclinical and during can be being infected, ever still drove the airliner is contact Japan, Thailand, Indonesian reach Philippine and other places, it is even during eruption, still drive plane.
That is to say, on the airliner that this aircraft division is in, everybody is affected likely.
Hives case of illness still is increasing, the airport is the most dangerous!
Those who make a person more careladen is, epidemic situation of Hong Kong hives looks be like still increasing.
Added 5 people diagnose again on March 28, include staff member of airport harbor iron, ever vaccinal female staff member reachs the airport McCafe of two agents vaccine 8 months are big male baby.
At present diagnose of Hong Kong accumulative total achieves 31, among them 11 involve the airport!
Come round to look with respect to eye so, hong Kong's relatively critical illness ground is Hong Kong International Airport! If go to Hong Kong the word of a favourable turn, should not be here linger too long, had better make good preventive measure.
It is the near future below in adding a table newly, the patient that outside having, swims reachs the Hong Kong area that pass:
To occurrence hives epidemic situation, sanitation of Hong Kong wholesome arrange defends the center already was in the airport sanitation of forbidden zone and setting of building of administration of machine canal bureau stands, for airport employee vaccination, since March 26 more add vaccinal in the evening period of time, already was even more up to now 1, 600 people are vaccinal.
In the meantime, hong Kong food and wholesome director express, wholesome arrange already contacted vaccinal supplier, anticipation rises in April can vaccine of 30 thousand agent comes harbor, there also can be many 10 thousand agent to supply in June.
More than Hong Kong, other much ground also appeared in succession hives epidemic situation, had been in even the whole world many countries erupt.
Macao hives epidemic situation, had made vaccine medium action!
Next door Hong Kong, macao also appeared hives epidemic situation.
According to " Macao daily " report, recently, macao appears one after another hives case, 24 days add 3 again.
Having 3 patients among them is once have an inoculation passes measles vaccine, but still be affected! Relevant medicine personage thinks, they may be only vaccinal potion hives is vaccinal, and the body does not have enough protective power, was inbreaked by virus so.
Occupy Macao health bureau additionally, 5 medical personnel reach accumulative total of lens lake hospital 2 person that beg examine, a hives inputs case of illness to have a contact and be affected, show for a flock of collect the gender affects event, the person that do not eliminate to will have more contact comes on.
End coverage of newest on March 30 media: Macao already appeared this year 25 hives diagnose case, among them cure protects personnel to be affected, but virus infectivity already came end, the others is to send out a case and input case of illness, did not appear enlarge a trend.
This continual hives, also not allow in the circumstance of other country hopeful.
Philippine, North America and Japanese and other places, also broke out in succession hives epidemic situation, cause much person death, for a short while, hives epidemic situation is abrupt stage a come back, the force with which sth breaks out is roaring, appear to send impetus high in many countries.
Pay close attention to together!
These countries also erupted this year hives epidemic situation!
Asian area
[Japan already accumulative total 222 diagnose case of illness]
According to local media coverage, japan is faced with 10 years to come the most serious hives epidemic situation, this year already accumulative total 222 diagnose case of illness, the whole nation appeared 22 times in 47 counties town hives disease suffers from, occupy last year all the year round of 282 patients near 8 into, among them 77 patients with big slope government office are most, the 49 people that are ternary county next, love knows a county 20 people, and Tokyo also has 14 people.
Because many Hong Kong passengers love to be between long holiday,go to day of amuse oneself, this also increased the probability that affects possibly greatly. Especially Pure Brightness long holiday, paschal long holiday is forthcoming, the personage that plans a travel wants special attention the area that hives erupts.
[Philippine hives is deadly already 333 people, it is children more]
Accordingly before report of Philippine Ministry of Public Health, leave from 2019 year to on Feburary 16, in time of short a half moon, the hives case of illness of diagnose already amounted to 8443, die among them the number is 136 people, achieve the past 10 years of contemporaneity new tall! And this sicken person, having an in part about among them is too vaccinal without have an inoculation children!
(gules area is Philippine large-scale erupt epidemic situation area)
Newest circumstance is: So far, philippine had reported 23000 hives case of illness, among them 333 people die, had exceeded last year the dead total number of annual. Unfortunate is, most case of illness happens at 5 years old of the following children.
[Korea ever also appeared collective infection]
Korea also has appeared before this hives case of illness, this year on January 25, according to Han Lian the company reports, korea disease manages cadre to express, that day head a patient of Er Jiang Dong area is sufferred from to go up by diagnose hives, will come in December from last year this year on January 25 morning 10 when, korea diagnose patient amounts to 38 people in all.
The report says, in diagnose personnel, 9 people are an exemple, 29 factitious collective are affected.
A piece of graph, treat condition of sicken of epidemic situation of hives of area of near future Asia.
Other country case
[Ke Lanjun of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces of city of American new York enters urgent state]
Local time on March 27 time of Zhou Sanwu night, because hives appears large-scale erupt evidence, the Luo Kelan county of the city on new York announces Quan Jun enters urgent state, prohibit not the minor discrepancy of vaccination is public, lest already proclaimed formerly,disappeared hives diffuses.
Government of Luo Kelan county declares new York state, from last year October rises, this county already diagnose 153 hives illness, accordingly from local time on March 27 0 when case. Quan Jun enters urgent state, all 18 one full year of life are the following, the children of vaccine of not vaccinal measles will cannot come in and go out quite public circumstance. Expire inside 30 days till this statement or accept MMR vaccine till them till have an inoculation, disobey curfew command to will be in the amerce with 500 dollars and highest the imprisonment of 6 months, the curfew predicts to will last 30 days.
In addition, since this year, still have case of occurrence hives of many states district.
Before this, canada Wengehua is newest diagnose 8 hives case of illness, more than the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces son is among them one of. This year in January, than much belt of the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces sons go Vietnam travels, after coming home, young son of 11 years old begins to have a fever. Had done not have a few days, additionally two sons also appear same symptom. Go to a hospital checking discovery, young son affected hives.
See the brief count of other country district, end at present, africa has national half an year to exceed 110 thousand person to affect hives, already caused nearly 1000 much people to die --
Can see, since this year, many popular travel places appeared serious hives epidemic situation, include Hong Kong, Japan, Taiwan, Macao, Philippine etc, in the center with Philippine circumstance most austere.
To hives epidemic situation, this year in Feburary, world Health Organization issues a warning, the hives that shows the whole world appeared 2018 record amount is added urgently about 50% , gross achieves 2.3 million, show the gain that beats this kind of disease " progressively retrogression " , cover even vaccine rate all along very tall rich nation is not exceptional also.
Hives epidemic situation erupts more, a kind of what kind of disease is this after all? Today, know it well together!
What is hives?
Hives is contagion of sex of the acute that causes by hives virus, whole body, eruption sex, common says " give measles " . The infectivity of hives is extremely strong, serious menace is healthy.
Annual came in March May is hives busy season, its are preclinical it is 7 ~ 21 days commonly, it is 9 ~ 14 days more. Come on inchoate symptom has calorific, conjunctivitis, shed tears, cough to wait, common complication has tympanitis, larynx tracheal bronchitic, pneumonic, infrequent complication has diarrhoea and encephalitis to wait.
The symptom of hives and come on
Of hives come on process!
And symptom!
1, preclinical
Average 10 days or so, have low heat normally, the whole body is unwell wait for a symptom.
2, prodromal stage
◆ is calorific: Above is spent to give out heat in
Infection of the upper respiratory tract behaves ◆ : Cough, shed tears, sneeze to wait, conjunctiva hyperaemia, weep, the characteristic that photophobia and palpebral oedema are hives.
Spot of ◆ hives mucous membrane (Ke Shiban) : Day of eruption around 1-2, the meeting on oral cavity buccal mucous membrane has the bit of hoar, rapid increase, also be sex of a feature manifests this affection.
3, eruption period
In day of the 3-4 after giving out heat, temperature can be as high as 40 ℃ suddenly, begin eruption.
Eruption order has regularity: Border of ear hind, hair, cervical, spread to face, truncal, limb gradually next.
4, convalescence
Give rash to begin what rash of day of the following 2-3 can press eruption orderly slowly subsidise.
The skin after measles subsidise can have branny bran appearance to take off bits and a few pigment ad cool-headed, 7-10 day heal.
The tall danger crowd of hives
Spend hives again common the cheeper that differs at nutrient state, especially vitamin A lack, or because AIDS is poisonous / AIDS and other disease bring about the cheeper with immune system abate function. Not vaccinal too vaccinal cheeper measled danger is highest, coinstantaneous complication (contain death) danger is highest also.
In serious hidebound (especially vitamin A is lacked) with the crowd that lacks proper hygiene in, hives patient mortality is in about 3-6% . In the crowd of become destitute and homeless, hives patient mortality is as high as 30% .
Not vaccinal too vaccinal pregnant woman also faces risk. The woman that infection produces between gestation is faced with appear the danger with serious complication, slink perhaps abortion. Hives will gain lifelong immunity strength after patient heal.
How to prevent hives
1, Chang Kaichuang is ventilated
Maintain indoor air fresh, maintain environmental cleanness;
2, good sanitation is used to nurturance
Do not spit everywhere; Diligent wash one's hands, change frequently wash, dry the dress, clothes frequently; Individual things (towel, tooth brush, tableware) should fixed disinfection;
3, the habits and customs that keeps good
Often exercise, maintain balanced diet. Spring climate is changeful, change according to weather dress of timely increase and decrease;
4, give out heat or have other and unwell seasonable go to a doctor
Do not ignore a cold, symptom of initial stage of a lot of contagion is similar cold, see a doctor to the hospital best acting guaze mask, after coming home, wash his hands, prevent alternate infection.
How to treat hives
Current, treat medicaments without specially good effect to hives
It is pair of disease cure commonly
Say so...
How to prevent hives?
Be vaccination of course!
Be aimed at the child:Proposal parent examines vaccinate evidence of the child.
In August age - 1 year old of children of half, due 1 agent second the vaccinal record that contains hives composition vaccine;
1 year old half - the children of 14 one full year of life is due 2 agents second the vaccinal record that contains hives composition vaccine.
If be not worth, should as soon as possible looks after children to nod reseed to vaccinate of community fitness service center.
If near future in a planned way heads for hives to send country or area high (wait like the United States, Canada, Japan, Philippine, Hong Kong) , should examine record toward vaccinal have an inoculation already.
Those who want an attention is
Any ages contract hives virus likely
If never had sufferred from hives
Had not made measles vaccine again
Be about notable!
? From the citizen that hives sends country or area high to come back, should undertake ego health monitoring, once appear the symptom such as calorific, eruption, see a doctor in time to the hospital.
? The hives patient that has a symptom should occupy the home or be in hospital keeps apart cure, segregation comes after eruption 5 days, avoid to head for public, crowd to collect the ground to wait, catch another person in case.
Although much ground epidemic situation appears
But also need not nervous
After all we actually major person
Already vaccinal too vaccinal ah
Not panicky, but require vigilance!
Especially the near future goes out
Head for popular travel ground or epidemic situation to discover an area
Want to raise an attention! Do good precaution!
Safety first always right!
Hives epidemic situation erupts more
Tell the person beside please
The near future goes out how to notice!