Both sides is reached reconcile agency compensates 68 thousand yuan

Both sides is reached reconcile agency compensates 68 thousand yuan

On April 1, tong closes a citizen to close lady report, this year on Feburary 25, she already was pregnant in hospital check fish, doctor proposal lie in bed rests protect a fetus, ask for leave to was not permitted to the unit later. Saw red go to a doctor sorely because of abdomen on March 4, final and fetal did not protect. Dragon of agency Shaanxi limit jumps sporting goods limited company to say, requirement of compensation of the other side is exorbitant, both sides is in all the time talk things over, the company wishs to compensate employee 50 thousand yuan. On April 3, " China business signs up for " A08 edition made a report to this matter.

On April 3 morning, ultimate dragon jumps one controller of company to express, both sides reconciles at be being reached 2 days late agreement, the company gives close a lady certain amount compensation.

Yesterday, close a lady to tell China business newspaper reporter: "Had reached with the company reconcile agreement, the other side compensates 68 thousand yuan to regard delay one's work as cost, nutrition cost, transportation expenses and the loss that beat up place to cause each other in all. " China business signs up for reporter Tang Baohu

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