Australia Chinese abandons the love cat of cummer feed from 45 high-rise, be sued by the government

Recently, the intermediary outside occupying reports, australia a Chinese man, because abandon a cat from 45 buildings deadly, be sued by Australian place government, this case was in Melbourne on April 1 local time some court open a court session is tried.

Australia Chinese abandons the love cat of cummer feed from 45 high-rise, be sued by the government refus does not admit his guilt

The case results from of a schoolgirl call the police, with the accused it is lover relation. Describe according to her: "I just bathed that day, still do not have there's still time to be taken invisible glasses, see she abandoned the cat building. See she abandoned the cat building..

Australia Chinese abandons the love cat of cummer feed from 45 high-rise, be sued by the government refus does not admit his guilt

The schoolgirl was stupefied at that time, she ran quickly building, but the cat died. "He did not leave a floor, said to me in the phone two I am sorry. That day in the evening, I am holding feline body in the arms, he still is making fun of I " the schoolgirl says.

Australia Chinese abandons the love cat of cummer feed from 45 high-rise, be sued by the government refus does not admit his guilt

Actually the case happened 2018 in April, because Lu Cheng does not admit his guilt, protracted all the time up to now. It is reported, this closes to sweethearts and others rent an apartment that is in Melbourne in, the man often hears a schoolgirl to complain to her friend the man is very cloddish to her cat, perhaps as time accumulate, his be ashamed into anger, made this decision that is without human nature.

(above picture all comes from a network)

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