Newest announce! Changchun taxi company is red 2019 black a list of names posted up! Public transpor

Newest announce! Changchun taxi company is red 2019 black a list of names posted up! Public transportation complain basically lie between in the car long etc

New culture dispatch (Wang Yue of ZAKER Jilin reporter) on April 3 afternoon, carriage bureau of traffic of the Changchun City is held industry of public transportation first quarter, taxi was complained 2019 inform against reach illegal case to handle circumstance bulletin to meet, reported on the meeting 2019 taxi industry is complained first quarter inform against circumstance and industry of steam electric car to complain inform against a circumstance; Reported road of place of the Changchun City to carry management board to carry the market to execute the law about road of the Changchun City circumstance.

The airport appeared 30 days first quarter 2019 0 complain

Reported on the meeting 2019 taxi industry is complained first quarter inform against a circumstance, complain according to the taxi inform against central controller introduction, the taxi complained gross effectively first quarter 2019 3414, among them January 1343, feburary 881, march 1190.

Complain gross 18 years first quarter compared to the same period 6600 (in January 2542, in Feburary 1984, in March 2074) drop 48.3% , the quarter on annulus comparing 4239 (in October 1479, in November 1335, in December 1425) drop 19.5% . Day all complains 37.9 effectively first quarter, the taxi complained data first quarter 2019 compared to the same period, annulus comparing, day all all shows downtrend.

Complain a quantity effectively first quarter to be occupied on average than for 22.2% , among them highest occupy promote than the Changchun City amount to cab company 29.4% , complaining the business that estimates lowest is the Changchun City 2 auspicious carry cab is finite liability company 1, occupy than 3.45% .

The exposure on the meeting complain before 5 companies with top quantity, list is as follows:

The Changchun City is promoted amount to cab limited company 29.41%

Cab of Jia Yu of the Changchun City is finite liability company 29.34%

Gold of the Changchun City amounts to peak taxi to run finite liability company 28.91%

Comfort of road of the Changchun City cab limited company 28.41%

Limited company of trade of car of city of gold of the Changchun City 27.25%

At the same time exposure 5 enterprises that complain quantity lowest, list is as follows:

The Changchun City 2 auspicious carry cab is finite hold the post of a company 1

The car of Jilin province country serves limited company 3

Group of public traffic of the Changchun City is narrow liability company 4

The fontal car of dragon of the Changchun City is rental and finite liability company 9

Cab of sky of the Changchun City serves finite liability company 20

This controller emphasizes the taxi that introduced the key area such as airport area and railway station to complain a circumstance, the taxi that involved the airport first quarter 2019 is complained add up to 101, among them January 38, feburary 22, march 41.

2.96% what airport area complains a quantity effectively to have effect to complain gross first quarter. The quarter on annulus comparing 109 (October 2018 51, in November 2018 33, in December 2018 25) drop 7.3% .

Taxi of railway station area complains gross to be 439 first quarter (in January 173, in Feburary 109, in March 157) , occupy 12.9% what complain gross effectively first quarter, airport of the quarter on annulus comparing complains gross effectively 570 (in October 2018 218, in November 2018 173, in December 2018 179) drop 23% .

This controller emphasizes, the taxi is violated first quarter gauge is main center in detour, refus carries, suspend a service, the list is sharp, and should wait for 5 illegal behavior at high price, among them refus carries and detour two complain a quantity to be occupied 59.6% what complain gross effectively.

"The taxi was complained first quarter 2019 inform against data gross annulus to compare, all continue to present downtrend compared to the same period, quarterly accumulative total drops nearly 2 into. Area of the key in classifying data (the airport, railway station) March relatively in Feburary, outside small increased in January, the others number declines according to all be.

First quarter airport taxi 0 complain accumulative total 30 days (January 10 days, in Feburary 10 days, in March 10 days) , month all 0 complain day of several stability. But complain a quantity in March relatively contrast increased in January. "This controller expresses, share taxi of field of 30 nature's mystery first quarter 0 complain, this is the situation that never had produced in the past, the mark is worn the remarkable promotion of airport taxi order.

Office of government of electric car of communal first quarter steam added up to 2019 accept complain 995

Industry of steam electric car was reported to complain at the same time on the meeting inform against a circumstance, according to introducing, office of government of electric car of communal first quarter steam added up to 2019 accept complain 995, accept 12345 mayors to make public a phone among them 672, this class is accepted complain inform against a phone 323, day complains 11 on average.

Complain effectively among them 653, complain main concentration to be lain between in the car long, keep to the station car, attitude of attending to guests is bad on 3 problems. The car is lain between long complain occupy 14% , to the station ceaseless car is occupied 13% , attitude of attending to guests is bad to occupy 10% .

Complain the findings that inform against according to be opposite, 10 when undertake needing hillock study handling to violating compasses driver, of short duration is buckled from job seniority card 12, revoke from job seniority card 1, allot rectify and reform 11, turn to execute the law integratedly punish 7, turn policeman branch punishs 1.

Focus complained issue to the citizen, relevant controller is analysed according to data, basically have the following 3 problems:

1.The car lies between chief problem, because road of height of morning and evening is embraced,basically block up, passenger flow measured together with during the Spring Festival Feburary drop, a few enterprises adjusted plan of work of drive a vehicle. Additional, cannot distribute a car according to the license with specific line, bring about shrink the problem that the line reduces a circle.

2.Do not jockey to the station problem, because driver of a few buses does not fulfil an industry to set,be, accomplish each station pull in jockeys, whether to press with the passenger however whether to serve as by the passenger inside bell and platform whether to make progress the reference that jockey. Also individual driver grabs green light, stop whirl urgently, bring about the passenger with sluggish action to fail to get off in time.

3.The reason with bad attitude of attending to guests basically is consciousness of driver civilization service is not strong those who cause, also the driver lacks patience, explain the job does not reach the designated position, create the situation of bilateral misunderstanding. Need each enterprise to strengthen the educational management to the driver.

The spot was checked first quarter 2019 buckle illegal battalion to carry 60 9 stage buses violate car compasses by exposure

On the meeting, chief was reported related carriage management board of road of place of the Changchun City carriage market of road of the Changchun City executed the law first quarter 2019 circumstance.

2019 first quarter, the spot executes the law to be checked in all smash car of illegal battalion carry 60 stage, put on record 60, end a case 32; Investigate refus to carry, ask for high price, bypass, do not use valuation implement etc break the law violate compasses act 118, put on record 118, end a case 77; Accept in all complain 3414, already handled 2413, among them airport area is accepted complain 101 (30 days 0 complain) , railway station area is accepted complain 439; Fine one million three hundred and forty-two thousand one hundred yuan; Via case of great administration punishment collective discussion decides revoke from job seniority card 26, among them party already fulfilled legal obligation 10, the rest is fulfilling legal process 16 times.

First quarter, investigate 8 cities in all guest of the fluctuation outside communal steam tram stop, list is as follows: Public transportation group 5, AF0615 of 25 AD1922 of 240 AP9977 of 230 bus auspicious, bus auspicious, bus auspicious, new and high AH4307 of 228 AD9016 of 2 bus auspicious, bus auspicious; Branch of public traffic northwest 1, AB3940 of 263 bus auspicious; The company that achieve record 2, AF8210 of 264 AH2613 of 270 bus auspicious, bus auspicious.

According to " regulation of public passenger transport of city of Jilin provincial capital " the 64th (2) regulation, according to the clue serious degree gives 1000 yuan of administration that fine to 3000 yuan punishment respectively to what belonging to a company, the driver gives 50 yuan of administration that fine to 200 yuan punishment respectively.

Investigate a city communal steam electric car not according to operation of line of check and ratify. Public transportation group AK0193 of 335 bus auspicious. According to " regulation of public passenger transport of city of Jilin provincial capital " the 60th (4) regulation, give company of public transportation group the administrative punishment of 2000 yuan of amerce.

New culture newspaper reports case put on record investigates a case:

Feburary, bureau of carriage pipeline of road of place of the Changchun City executes the law integratedly the 4th group receives a citizen to inform against, near station of light before Changchun stands course, Jidana often has a taxi driver to get off near station of campus light course take a settle or live in a strange place, affect order of taxi battalion carry badly. Receive after informing against, my bureau executes the law staff acts instantly, at will soliciting the passenger's Sun Qinghai, Meng Xiangchen on Feburary 25 two taximans spot is hunted down, report processing case as follows now:

Sun Qinghai case: On Feburary 16, 2019 12 when Sun Qinghai of 55 minutes of or so party drives date taxi stays in auspicious AY1072 to stand in course of the not salty austral Changchun station around, get off solicit a passenger actively, solicit a passenger to go to lake park, party Sun Qinghai violates a fact to be clear about, evidential authentic is sufficient, this behavior disturbs badly cab market order. According to " regulation of public passenger transport of city of Jilin provincial capital " the 66th the first (one) regulation, give party the administrative punishment that Sun Qinghai fines 2000 yuan, instruct at the same time correct.

Meng Xiangchen case: On Feburary 25, 2019 19 when 30 minutes or so, party Meng Xiangchen drives date taxi berth is in auspicious AY2569 near site of light track of ave of Silicon Valley of Ji Dana campus, get off take a settle or live in a strange place actively, solicited 1 female 3 male 4 passengers, go going to Banding beautiful inlet and other places. Classics investigation, party Meng Xiangchen drives date taxi pulls auspicious AY2569 actively guest, be clear about via investigating illegal fact, evidential authentic is sufficient. According to " regulation of public passenger transport of city of Jilin provincial capital " the 66th the first (one) regulation, give party Meng Xiangchen the administrative punishment of 2000 amerce, instruct at the same time correct.

This the bulletin is met on, reporter of Jilin of ZAKER of · of new culture newspaper learns from association of public traffic of the Changchun City and association of institute of taxi of the Changchun City, at present society side made joint pledge of convention of self-discipline of enterprise of public transportation operation and self-discipline of taxi operation enterprise, introduce according to relevant controller, of this convention come on stage, be helpful for fortifying the industry standard of public traffic and taxi, "Will allot every car to go up by association member unit next, after signing pact, once appear,violate act, be in charge of a branch to want pair of drivers and car all right not only advocate undertake condemnatory, the enterprise also can undertake condemnatory to its, even association also can undertake condemnatory to its, let bus driver and taximan dare not break the law thereby, cannot break the law, achieve the goal that does not want to break the law finally. Achieve the goal that does not want to break the law finally..

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