Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia!

Big recently hot teleplay " Dou Ting is good " receive final result, the Su Dajiang that the person lets be hated the tooth is urticantly in drama thises because of A Er however audience of earn of sea silent disease heats up a tear, successful " wash white " ! It is however in the expert eye of surgery of secrete make water, frequent get up in the night to urinate of Su Dajiang exposes another healthy hidden trouble that gives him -- prostate problem. Expert of surgery of secrete make water is fatidical even: Su Dajiang should be to get prostate hyperplasia, if be treated not in time, serious when the likelihood suffers from on uremia!

Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia!

Actually, went up the man of age appears very easily the trouble of prostate respect. A word says well: Want in those days, with the wind make water 10 a unit of length, now nowadays, downwind unexpectedly wet shoe! Recently, healthy big lecture room invited Guangdong to save Liu Jiumin of director of administration of surgery of make water of people hospital secrete, Guangdong to visit make water of people hospital secrete south Pu Xiaoyong of doctor of surgical vice director and Li Dong, Luo Yaoxiong, Wang Huaipeng 5, undertook " care male, attention prostate is healthy " lecture, of more than 150 thousand read quantity enough to show great master the attention of healthy to prostate problem.

Prostate is the accessary gland of male reproduction system, main effect has in respect of system of urology, reproduction, once it appears problem, cause a lot of disease possibly, among them prostate is proliferous (also call hypertrophy of the prostate) it is a the commonnest kind. The data shows, benign prostate hyperplasia is as high as 50% in the incidence of a disease in male of 50 years old of above, in the crowd in 80 years old of above more be as high as 90% to control!

Director Liu Jiumin tells us, cause the cause of prostate hyperplasia, it is the accretion of the age, it is the male hormone that the spermary that has a function produces. Unless you can be rejuvenescent or cut away spermary, otherwise the venture of prostate hyperplasia is controlled in you all the time, and incidence of a disease can grow as the age and lift. The main symptom of prostate hyperplasia includes frequent micturition, make water grow in quantity of make water of urgent, night, make water awaits, micturition of dysuria, discontinuity, make water is endless etc. These symptoms also can accentuate gradually along with age growth, su Dajiang is frequent in the evening get up in the night to urinate is a symptom.

Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia!

"A lot of people should not answer this thing, thinking age became old is such, bear bear went, little imagine leaves future trouble to oneself however. " proposal of Chairman Liu Jiumin, if appear afore-mentioned symptoms, answer to see a doctor to the hospital as soon as possible, the hospital can be adopted " clinical symptom + medical + auxiliary examination " means undertakes diagnostic. If make a diagnosis and give treatment not in time, the likelihood causes the disease such as retention of urine of infection, acute, hematuria, cystolith, uremia!

It is the problem of prostate obviously, how to buy a concern with uremia?

Video of stamp lower part, see Director Liu Jiumin how explain

Prostate hyperplasia affects life quality, and prostate cancer may endanger life!

Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia! Pu Xiaoyong of doctor of vice director of surgery of make water of secrete of hospital of Guangdong province people

Pu Xiaoyong emphasizes particularly, as a result of inchoate prostate cancer does not have a symptom normally, be aware of hard, when when the symptom appears late! So prostate hyperplasia patient wants the prostate cancer that special vigilance coexists at the same time. "Should begin to detect after the male is 40 years old PSA (prostate is distinctive antigen) , had better regard PSA as after 50 years old convention of a periodic is checked. " Pu Xiaoyong expresses, the discretion of PSA and prostate cancer have relatively immediate concern. If be in in mark fiducial value 4 less than, it is OK that 9 yearly checks are measured; But if discover the standard of more than 4 is worth, be about to see a doctor to specialized subject hospital, do detect regularly, if mark fiducial value lifts continuously,have the risk of prostate cancer.

Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia!

Pu Xiaoyong sums up: To discover prostate cancer as early as possible, can undertake to the hospital PSA+ shows check, B exceeds, the auxiliary examination such as MR, and the prostate puncture vivid check of final diagnose. When the patient of benign prostate hyperplasia checks, very the guidance that is necessary to press a doctor checks prostate cancer, treat early discovery, early, in order to achieve better remedial result.

Have netizen concern, can prostate calcify evolve into prostate cancer? Director Li Dong replies, calcification itself is not terrible, but also want vigilant calcify, if tumor is nodal, circumjacent calcify may grow in quantity. But everybody does not see calcification is panicky, calcification often exists in a lot of place, still want to let a doctor be judged according to your particular case.

Interlocution link, a netizen enquires to the expert: "How should young maiden man have prostate health care? "How should young maiden man have prostate health care??

Prostate hyperplasia ignore? Careful uremia! Guangdong saves Liu Jiumin of director of administration of surgery of make water of people hospital secrete

Director Liu Jiumin replies: "Prostate body holds action of secrete make water, reproduction concurrently double important task, and the youth's sexual life is opposite for compare again frequent, because this prostate is very easy,bloodshot oedema, generation feels uncomfortably, actually this is very normal, do not feel this kind easily and frequent micturition, make water is endless wait for connection to rise smooth increase tension, want to handle this kind of case with correct state of mind. If not be at ease, can observe a symptom carefully, after heading for a hospital to check, judge again. After heading for a hospital to check, judge again..

He emphasizes, bagatelle is not had before the disease, this small organ causes prostate possibly also big disease. Accordingly, the precaution of the prostate health care in daily life and disease is very important still.

South annals of Liao Jia of Huang Xian of reporter Ceng Wenqiong's trainee photographs He Yushuai
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