The bay austral Shenzhen tower of refrigeration of one village air conditioning is abrupt on fire, s

On April 4 morning, street Gui Fang produces the bay austral area of hillock of Shenzhen city dragon field fire. 10:9, squadron of auspicious of cloth of dragon hillock fire control is received after calling the police, drive toward the spot for a short while. Cooling 10:35 tower bright fire is put out. Xiaona understands from Shenzhen fire control, the accident did not cause personal casualty. According to introducing, on fire position is located in Gui Fang garden 6 period on fire of tower of refrigeration of a 2 architectural air conditioning. Current, on fire reason still is in further investigation.

The bay austral Shenzhen tower of refrigeration of one village air conditioning is abrupt on fire, smother is towering, The bay austral Shenzhen tower of refrigeration of one village air conditioning is abrupt on fire, smother is towering,

[write civil] Feng Lei Deng Ziliang

[author] Feng Lei

[origin] group of southern medium signing up for course of study is southern + client end

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