Providential violate hard, everything follows a reason

Providential violate hard, everything follows a reason

Silent, not be weak, however a kind of bright manner; Silent, not be owing, however a kind of reticent make a stand against.

Silent, not be confused, however the wisdom of a kind of be clear; Silent, not be to forget, however a kind alternative evasive.

Person, when be used to silent? Treat overbearing and unjustifiable person, treat the person of chicanery. Tell be illogical, do not tell, cannot bear the sight of, do not look!

Person, when must silent? Treat the person that cannot change, the heart that cannot have redeemed. Saw through, not expose, sad, do not entreat.

Providential violate hard, everything follows a reason

Silent, it is one kind is put down, it is one kind is not contended for, it is a kind of maturity, it is a kind of magnanimous. Other how, do not make an assessment, laugh and not language, the heart knows abdomen bright.

The choice is silent, not be submit to, do not want to make each other embarrassed however; The choice is silent, not be acquiescent, see through everything however show sympathy.

Person, why silent? Saw through, to others good-tempered, look weak, no longer be troubled Yu Huai.

Those who reflect is, the accomplishment of a person and open-minded, of a heart mix indifferently relaxed. Sometimes silent, it is good-tempered other, it is to be kind to oneself more, timely and silent, it is to choose to abandon, it is him protection more.

Providential violate hard, everything follows a reason

Language, convincing. Silent, provide power more! Evil person vicious power, silent meeting reduces harm, before clever person, silent meeting raises good opinion.

Institutional conversation is simple, the society is silent too difficult, disposition is ignited, enduring move is not easy, by person misunderstanding, why is not subdued!

The society is silent! Clear person from Qing Dynasty, waste words why? 3 view should not, waste time why? The heart knows abdomen bright, be carried why again bright?

Leave silent to oneself, be in calm in him promotion, gain and loss gets together medicinal powder providential violate hard, look to see all weak following predestined relationship!

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