On December 14, 1963, block to the diplomacy of new China to smash western state, below the directive of Chairman Mao, week total sleave opened last a period of time the brigade of the Africa of 11 countries of 72 day, successive visits. Visit this, premier Zhou leads Chinese delegation all the way break through brambles and thorns-hack one's way through difficulties, the diplomacy that is new China opened a brand-new breach, let African brother be heard truely for the first time, come from new China's cordial and friendly sound. And Premier Zhou's outstanding diplomacy wisdom and character charm, also produced tremendous echo between African country, it is inside a year after this the visit ends, 8 Africa country establishs diplomatic relations as newly as China in succession, the country that Chinese visit comes to before is to amount to more than 10 more.
African country leader is visited China
In numerous call in in African country of China, have the leader of a country, it is the great desire that cherishs not to know to be able to be reached however, perturbed ground set foot on those who visit Hua Zhi stay away from home. He is when the Julius Nileier that assumes Tanzania president. And his desire, namely up to now one of projects of new China's biggest whole set aid foreign -- of calm assist railroad build. A lot of friends should know this railroad, but the backside that the likelihood does not know to build this railroad certainly, it is a diplomatic rich play chess that lasted more than 3 years.
1964, tanzania and neighbour Zambia declare independence in succession. To change poor current situation, expand the economy of African country, the traffic big artery that calm assist two countries decides to build a be well versed in jointly, for African inland the country is offerred go to sea newly commerce passageway. Tanzania president Nileier and Zambia president Kawengda part to world bank, United Nations Organization, and the think of a way that the developed country such as Russia, England, Canada offerred to build this railroad respectively. But, country of neither one west is willing to move to be aided.
Julius Nileier
Be in this moment, zhou En comes the message that the premier leads Chinese delegacy visit Africa passed Tanzania. In the friendly voice that hears China to be transmitted, saw Premier Zhou puts forward " help 8 principles external " hind, the heart of Nileier's president lifts billows immediately. His pressing hope can come to China, see the leader that sees new China, then, he saw China is stationed in Tanzania ambassador He Ying about, conveyed the think of a way that wants to come to China to visit.
Tanzania president Nileier is visited China
1964 December 30, an urgent telegram that comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs signs up for the office that sent Prime minister Zhou. Telegraphic content basically is to report Tanzania president Nileier to announce to be about to visit China thing. This moment, be Premier Zhou end seeks blame route two months left and right sides, many African country leader also visit China in succession. So at first sight, this cable also is a common diplomatic case report only just. So since such, why unluckily does this cable want urgent be reported to Premier Zhou?
Tanzania president Nileier is visited China
Original, after He Ying course is fathommed, think propose the issue of railroad and Nileier's president comes very much likely. Then, he Ying drew up to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs detailed report, he says in the report: Be like likely, chinese agree carries this project.
December 30, after this report that reads Wan Heying carefully to be sent when Premier Zhou, time already was a late night. However, of Premier Zhou acumen realized, build this railroad, will tremendous to generation of Central Africa relation propulsion action. Then, he holds the post of when call in immediately external the Fang Yi of Economic Commission director, began to concern the aid conference of calm assist railroad when night.
Hold the post of when external Fang Yi of Economic Commission director
Lying between wide desk, premier Zhou asks straight from the shoulder: "Comrade Fang Yi, you ever had helped Vietnam restore railroad traffic, you are built to railroad or have experience. Calm assist railroad about 1800 much kilometers, do you think we may help them build this railroad? " Fang Yi is knitted tightened brows, looked at a ceiling, reply: "For the construction cost that this railroad presses home, say less to also get ten 100 million RMBs, take out so large number to go at a draught aid foreign, be afraid national power be unable to bear or support. Be afraid national power be unable to bear or support..
Was Premier Zhou nodded one below say: ? Make Huang human relations smooth with a rake Α of of grave of chasm of cheek of the Song Dynasty of Juan of of fat party of of Guo of of hammer of hey of left-eyed flounder of father of of ⑹ of Song of left-eyed flounder of father of secret trade Mian tending or guard a gate emperor of of 5 Quan and is of of Huang Lun Ying owed treat to change Cou is bad quarrel bad destroy? of good Piao of of of ぃ of unoccupied place of Fan Huansong Fu of of good Piao of aunt of a small tinkling bell is fat and Bi Mo of joyous ㄒ ! ?