Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is

Beijing time on April 6, ping-pong Asia cup surpassed the have a contest that enters knockout phase in Japanese yokohama 2019. Just in the semifinal of a male single of newest end, dragon of horse of winner of our country star, vole with 4 hope than Dan Yuxiao of player of Japan of 0 sweep anything away, the Ma Long that rushs into finals will contend for champion with Fan Zhendong. And hope in Ma Long and Dan Yuxiao before the match, wisdom of the house of beauty of champaign of player of additionally 3 Japan that enters current Asia cup, an anticipatory actin and, Ishikawa beautiful is pure had gone out early or late bureau, those who wash out them is Zhu Yuling, Fan Zhendong and Chen Meng respectively. That is to say, the country pings in Japanese door the mouth is opposite the biggest rival realized this Tokyo Olympic Games the group destroys.

Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is vane of Tokyo Olympic Games!

Ma Long and Dan Yuxiao hope one battle, head Dan Yuxiao hopes to obtain after bureau begin 3 than 0 banner. Ma Long enters state gradually, after bureau phase hits ball of a luck that brush a net in, exceed score instead for 7 than 5. End bureau phase, regnant force of Ma Long makes Dan Yuxiao hopes to lose the work that ward off blows, at a dash with 11 than 5 take next make a good beginning.

The 2nd bureau, ma Long is hit more excitedly, he again and again strong hit out, show the each respect advantage such as oneself technology, force without involuntary discharge of urine, it is in the instant the palm that finished comparative game accuses almost. Dan Yuxiao hopes to be banged very helplessly, look spirit to have some of slack, lost appetite of strive for victory early it seems that. 11 than 6, ma Long is gotten the better of greatly again, expand into of advantage of will total score 2 than 0.

The 3rd bureau, red feather Xiao Xizhong dish bite for a time went up score, the state that does not cross Ma Long must make adversary acedia very much really, he with 11 than 8 get the better of again, total score 3 than 0 be far ahead. The 4th bureau, ma Long 11 than 6 Suo Dingsheng bureaus, 4 take a victory than 0 a person of extraordinary powers, be without final of be concerned aboutingly runner-up of coronal of promotion male single.

This afternoon early in the match before, afterwards of Ling of bright red rain carried back of a chair on the back to meet champaign beautiful eaves head-on in female odd quarterfinal after group contest yesterday. And yesterday head bureau 1 compare than photograph of 11 disastrous defeat, champaign beautiful eaves leaves today the bureau is pretty good, found feel very quickly, and the person's psychosis appears very excited, dare on aggression active and active begin, she with 11 than 9 leave one town first. Do not cross Zhu Yuling's front line and do not have fluster, the 2nd bureau accuses completely in the palm with the 3rd bureau in, 11 than 7 and 11 than 2 win out easily, exceed score instead for 2 than 1.

Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is vane of Tokyo Olympic Games!

The 4th bureau, champaign beautiful eaves goes all out went out not secular state, 12 than the 10 get victory that add cent, belt of will total score arrived 2 than 2, emersion of match be concerned about. But the Zhu Yuling that continent cup champion is full of longing and is badly in need of new him proof to Benciya is mixed in the 5th bureau the battle blaze that the 6th bureau released him completely, hit the Hu Shengwei that get a tiger, eaves of your champaign beauty also is held back feebly again, zhu Yuling with 11 than 7 and 11 than two bureaus of 8 Lian Sheng, total score 4 than 2 wash out champaign beautiful eaves, ended this to be shown slightly those who ankylose is right definitely.

Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is vane of Tokyo Olympic Games!

The male single is additional in a semifinal, of Japanese ping-pong team when red teenager wisdom of an anticipatory actin is mixed be opposite a rank of Chinese team world the Fan Zhendong of the 1st. Wisdom of an anticipatory actin and 11 than 6 take the lead in sending force, but Fan Zhendong lets wisdom of an anticipatory actin and experience subsequently true powerful. Fan Zhendong is under the state that did not show special passion investment win 4 bureaus repeatedly (11 than 6, 11 than 8, 11 than 9, 11 than 4) finished pair of changeover that wisdom of an anticipatory actin mixes, he always can check zero hour the play that wisdom of an anticipatory actin mixes, let wisdom of an anticipatory actin and not know what to do.

Female sheet in the first semifinal, the world ranks the Chen Meng of the 3rd to be opposite a world rank the Japanese daughter of the 6th pings beautiful of old core Ishikawa is pure, the first bureau comes on Chen Meng with 11 get Ishikawa like a drowned mouse than 1 dozen, gas field arrives formidably main body is immersed in your one who treats sb to a meal to become silent for long inside Yo house. Subsequently the 2nd bureau, both sides is hit into 5 than 5 later, chen Meng squelchs continuously Ishikawa beautiful is pure, force centre of gravity was in on the ground so that adversary loses directly when save finally...

Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is vane of Tokyo Olympic Games!

Chen Meng with 11 than 9 and 11 than 4 win two bureaus again, total score is taken 3 than 0. Although Ishikawa 11 than 7 win out in the 4th bureau, but Chen Meng is very fast with 11 than 8 win the 5th bureau, final 4 than 1 beat adversary promotion final.

Ma Long 4 than 0 cruel hit Dan Yuxiao to hope, the country pings 4 destroy the group Japan, this is vane of Tokyo Olympic Games!

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