And politics ancient animal fossil group, what the animal before uncovering secret 30 million years

Gansu Province and politics county, it is the treasure ground with long and magical culture of a history. On this fertile hot ground, these year discover ancient biology fossil gives dew point in all early or late 80 much place, the fossil cent that come up out of land is: 8 eye belong to the 3 key link such as creeping key link, lactation key link, bird key link 150 times kind, held " of 6 worlds most " . Rich collect of ancient animal fossil, churchyard discovered be apart from today 3000, the 4 big fauna such as horse of the 2 million years of gigantic rhinoceros between, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, true horse. Gansu Province and politics county, it is the treasure ground with long and magical culture of a history. On this fertile hot ground, these year discover ancient biology fossil gives dew point in all early or late 80 much place, the fossil cent that come up out of land is: 8 eye belong to the 3 key link such as creeping key link, lactation key link, bird key link 150 times kind, held " of 6 worlds most " . Rich collect of ancient animal fossil, churchyard discovered be apart from today 3000, the 4 big fauna such as horse of the 2 million years of gigantic rhinoceros between, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, true horse. April the middle ten days of a month, cameraman will mix politics county, by this floor area the museum of ancient animal fossil of 23000 square metre is shaken. Fossil museum by, 3 2 date, exhibition are formed show " article " word layout. Show holding fossil specimen many 30000, belong to 4 the Cenozoic Era is terminal different mammal group, part bury at mixing politics area in the layer with different sex of 4 kinds of cliff, , mix uniquely on the world namely the richest shovel tine on the producing area of the largest sanderling horse fossil on politics sheep, world, world resembles fossil -- skull of the elephant that shovel tine is individual development series. In April the middle ten days of a month, cameraman will mix politics county, by this floor area the museum of ancient animal fossil of 23000 square metre is shaken. Fossil museum by, 3 2 date, exhibition are formed show " article " word layout. Show holding fossil specimen many 30000, belong to 4 the Cenozoic Era is terminal different mammal group, part bury at mixing politics area in the layer with different sex of 4 kinds of cliff, , mix uniquely on the world namely the richest shovel tine on the producing area of the largest sanderling horse fossil on politics sheep, world, world resembles fossil -- skull of the elephant that shovel tine is individual development series. And politics ancient biology changes museum to be named to be in succession: "Countrywide teenage popular science teachs base, ancient vertebrate of demonstrative base of education of environment of construction of unit of green of base of education of patriotism of the Gansu Province, the Gansu Province, Chinese Academy of Sciences and ancient mankind institute and politics scientific research base, it is very valuable the popular science base that studies ancient biology fossil. And politics ancient biology changes museum to be named to be in succession: "Countrywide teenage popular science teachs base, ancient vertebrate of demonstrative base of education of environment of construction of unit of green of base of education of patriotism of the Gansu Province, the Gansu Province, Chinese Academy of Sciences and ancient mankind institute and politics scientific research base, it is very valuable the popular science base that studies ancient biology fossil. Be located in the northeast predestined relationship of Qinghai-Tibet Platean with politics county area, all previous is formed via orogenic movement of millions upon millions years, marine changes, a house basically is displayed reveal and what politics county churchyard discovers is representative specimen of mineral, rock and basin landforms, for geological changes research provided significant geological evidence, those who recorded this area the Palaeozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, the Cenozoic Era evolve into a process, national People's Congress lets open horizon really after looking. Be located in the northeast predestined relationship of Qinghai-Tibet Platean with politics county area, all previous is formed via orogenic movement of millions upon millions years, marine changes, a house basically is displayed reveal and what politics county churchyard discovers is representative specimen of mineral, rock and basin landforms, for geological changes research provided significant geological evidence, those who recorded this area the Palaeozoic Era, Mesozoic Era, the Cenozoic Era evolve into a process, national People's Congress lets open horizon really after looking. In the meantime, exhibit a house in especially the layer of complete deposit, created superexcellent perch environment to get used to the ancient animal of environment of different modes of life and relation to their environment, be all over the country come round understand and politics the revealed this area geology to evolve history element with the intuitionistic people of fossil. In the meantime, exhibit a house in especially the layer of complete deposit, created superexcellent perch environment to get used to the ancient animal of environment of different modes of life and relation to their environment, be all over the country come round understand and politics the revealed this area geology to evolve history element with the intuitionistic people of fossil. Exhibit a house to give priority to a line with ancient animal evolution, with low it is order to advanced development, it is main content with biology diversity, animal of ocean of reflective ancient time, fish is a delegate, have number one dinosaur, Yellow River megalosaurus, giant boreal hill dragon recover from an illness framework, the specimen of stone of apperception of the first Mesozoic Era bird that the bird of jade door Gansu Province that reveal is Chinese discovery. Exhibit a house to give priority to a line with ancient animal evolution, with low it is order to advanced development, it is main content with biology diversity, animal of ocean of reflective ancient time, fish is a delegate, have number one dinosaur, Yellow River megalosaurus, giant boreal hill dragon recover from an illness framework, the specimen of stone of apperception of the first Mesozoic Era bird that the bird of jade door Gansu Province that reveal is Chinese discovery. Exhibit what the fossil in the house revealed mammal from much angle to evolve into evolution, let contemporary people understanding millions upon millions years come of all sorts of life surging forward with great momentum on the earth live, the multiply, gradual progress process that eradicate. Exhibit what the fossil in the house revealed mammal from much angle to evolve into evolution, let contemporary people understanding millions upon millions years come of all sorts of life surging forward with great momentum on the earth live, the multiply, gradual progress process that eradicate. 2 exhibit a house, with horse of the gigantic rhinoceros, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, true Ma Sida fauna gives priority to a line, reveal and horse of the politics sheep, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, wrap around horse of Mao Xi, dust family name, gigantic hyena " of 6 worlds most " the strange hoof with all kinds of strange things kind, idol hoof kind, long bazoo kind wait for diversity herbivore and hyena division, dog division, tell about move and politics multiply of ancient mammal of area late the Cenozoic Era, haunt, extinct solemn and stirring course, for people true each phase of evolution of mutation of the development changes that showed ancient climate, ancient environment, ancient geography and ancient biology. 2 exhibit a house, with horse of the gigantic rhinoceros, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, true Ma Sida fauna gives priority to a line, reveal and horse of the politics sheep, elephant that shovel tine, sanderling, wrap around horse of Mao Xi, dust family name, gigantic hyena " of 6 worlds most " the strange hoof with all kinds of strange things kind, idol hoof kind, long bazoo kind wait for diversity herbivore and hyena division, dog division, tell about move and politics multiply of ancient mammal of area late the Cenozoic Era, haunt, extinct solemn and stirring course, for people true each phase of evolution of mutation of the development changes that showed ancient climate, ancient environment, ancient geography and ancient biology. 3 exhibit a house to be stated in item on display on apply scene emersion gimmick to build zoology landscape, wait for design element through space, colour, modelling, natural and reductive, art is wraparound wait for a form, the zoology setting of rich artistic conception was built inside limited space. Was an audience intuitionisticly to present ancient mammal is fresh and free life setting, entered tourist area mysterious prehistoric age. 3 exhibit a house to be stated in item on display on apply scene emersion gimmick to build zoology landscape, wait for design element through space, colour, modelling, natural and reductive, art is wraparound wait for a form, the zoology setting of rich artistic conception was built inside limited space. Was an audience intuitionisticly to present ancient mammal is fresh and free life setting, entered tourist area mysterious prehistoric age.
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