Recently, popular singer " small sweet " after the mental health orgnaization in American California stayed in Sipiersi 30 days, · of cloth orchid Ni leaves hospital permissibly eventually. Occupying Lan Ni weighing cloth is freewill be in hospital, completed remedial period of treatment of 30 days, feel nowadays a lot of, but the medicaments combination that cure survives to adjust her in effort. In the photograph, 37 years old " small sweet " the feeling that cloth Lan Ni looks like 57 years old of aunts, furrow of head of fulfil the quota, go out of form of figure grow stout at a draught old 20 years old. "Small sweet " cloth Lan Ni takes flesh of bellyful go to live in the household of one's in-laws on getting married nearly"Small sweet " cloth Lan NiThe netizen speaks: "Old too fast. " " old ugly! Lack ego management! ! ! " " time passes and the situation has changed, be not former times comparing today. Be not former times comparing today.. "Small sweet " sunshine of former times of cloth orchid Ni