The rising sun of information station | east the airport of river of sunshine hill word that rises

Early on May 30, one pink " people sunshine " airport of river of word of hill of the bourg after client of government of Xiang Qilu evening paper carries neat Lu Yi to nod information station to send a group of sunshine, early morning rising sun leaves picture of grand beautiful scenery. Early on May 30, one pink " people sunshine " airport of river of word of hill of the bourg after client of government of Xiang Qilu evening paper carries neat Lu Yi to nod information station to send a group of sunshine, early morning rising sun leaves picture of grand beautiful scenery. On May 30, the sky of sunshine is fine, the rising sun is resplendent, east becomes immediately Can of golden light Can, the profusion horizon is adorned by gorgeous golden place, before the door of airport of river of sunshine hill word below the rising sun, grand and dazzing do not break again halcyon and auspicious. On May 30, the sky of sunshine is fine, the rising sun is resplendent, east becomes immediately Can of golden light Can, the profusion horizon is adorned by gorgeous golden place, before the door of airport of river of sunshine hill word below the rising sun, grand and dazzing do not break again halcyon and auspicious. Above information is selected the optimal now information that tastes coronal name by Niu Jian total eclipse, one pink " people sunshine " will win award of 10 yuan of when by information station the staff member gives out red bags. (does neat Lu Wan sign up for? Neat Lu Yi nods interactive editor Zhang Wei)Above information is selected the optimal now information that tastes coronal name by Niu Jian total eclipse, one pink " people sunshine " will win award of 10 yuan of when by information station the staff member gives out red bags. (does neat Lu Wan sign up for? Neat Lu Yi nods interactive editor Zhang Wei)
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