DC He Manwei has a lot of similar people below division of two cartoon company, death knell and dead serve are example. Of course, death knell should be created earlier than dead serve to come out, he is caricature of 80 time DC " Tai Tan of new early youth " medium anybody, and the child that dead serve is 90 time, his person that create is apparently got inspiration from body of DC death knell, a lot of disposition features that get on his body blend in dead serve body to go up. Nevertheless, there also are a lot of different places on body of these two parts, look below. 1. dead serve can break wall of all sides | | | Wilson of · of heart of Wei of dead Shiben name, one of his most mysterious ability are broken namely " wall of all sides " as direct as the reader communication. See in the film like us in that way, regular meeting of dead serve classics is indescribable greet sb with the audience in the battle, perhaps stop in talking with other, spit groove to wait a moment to us next. And DC death knell does not have set of this one ability. 2. death knell is villain in drama | | | Death knell 1980 debut and caricature " Tai Tan of new early youth " the 2nd period, he is the deadly enemy of teenager Tai Tan, a villain in drama also is when dead of course serve comes on stage first. But dead serve now have been an Anglophobia hero, and death knell still comes on stage with the identity of villain in drama in major DC caricature, this is them two between different point. In addition, death knell is the deadly enemy of teenager Tai Tan not only, also be batty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct and one of adversary with allied justice. 3. dead serve won't be dead | | | Curing factor to be able to say is the ability of dead Shi Zuijiang, not one of. Although cut him agglomerate he also can revive, like dead serve otherwise this kind of mouth prepares Chinese medicine by roasting it in a pan part, basic work does not pass 1 period. Funny is, he is fed up with ability of this kind of amaranthine however, because he absolutelied refuse to, cannot encounter with beloved Azrael. Contrary, though death knell also has cure ability, but far die not as good as serve, can cure deadly injury at most, if death knell arm by stump, rely on to cure ability to recover from an illness without method. 4. death knell is a talent | | | Death knell has talent wisdom, at the same time he also is a super soldier, when army enlists in army, accepted a super soldier to transform a plan, obtained through inject serum exceed capacity. Make its force, speed and reaction ability far overtake an ordinary person, at the same time this plan develops his cerebra to 90% . Let the do a job with skill and ease that he develops in the battle, be good at analysing the enemy's ability, when using a gun every time, death knell need not be aimed at, because allegedly his cerebra can shift to an earlier date,accurate computation gives the contrail that bullet shoots. In dead Shi Yuan of battle skill respect not as good as death knell. 5. dead serve is very humorous | | | The distinct possibility with dead serve and the largest death knell is nature field. Dead serve act as a lunatic, speak of a word to come perpetual, often be opposite the enemy has assault and battery ruthlessly, but the other side takes him to do not have method again, because die,serve is amaranthine. Contrary, the individual character of death knell is more callous, often did not say a gibberish, take opponent. Because he is not batty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, bloodsucking he mad can kill one. 6. equips | | | Death knell and dead serve are employ arms, but death knell corrects in equipment respect type. Besides fundamental equipment, he can wear the ballproof clothes of massiness toward contact, he does not want to get hurt in the battle absolutely. Contrary, dead serve is more optional, because he has,cure factor, need ballproof garment far from so this kind of thing. 7. psychosis | | | Dead serve looks be like carefree, say humorous jest everyday. But in fact he contracts severe depressed disease, mask this at ordinary times with humour. Because he knows he is a part in caricature book,basically be, so he feels without what thing right to be truly important for him, he is in this kind of scared eddy all the time in. 8. death knell comes from DC universe | | | Said a long time, won't return somebody to divide not Qing Manwei and DC. Often overflow in check power when, see somebody comments on an area to leave a message say batty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct? Preterhuman? This kind invites the comment that I laugh at half hours, here reminds again, death knell is to come from DC universe, the preterhuman, batty a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct that knows like us, magical female a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct is out over there. And dead serve is in free power the universe, american header, steely a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct, Thor waits famous free power caricature part.