On May 28, 2019, cloth of American Hollywood well-known actress pulls De Pete, the exhibition looks around in Italian Venice. (the picture comes from IC Photo)He is wearing peaked cap, a suit is recreational dress up. (the picture comes from IC Photo)This apparent chest muscle, allow this old handsome young man more action person likes. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Bulade Pete and Zhan Ni Fu Annisidu, Anjilina Zhuli, had had two paragraphs of marriage, now, as it is said he nots with ex-wife Zhan Ni of purpose · Annisidu is compound. (the picture comes from IC Photo)Nevertheless, also media says, the professor Nai of he and art of Masschusetts Institute of Technology and scientific institute Rui Aokesiman (Neri Oxman) , be on terms of intimacy. (the picture comes from IC Photo)