Be apart from China Nanhai fresh market 2 kilometers, "Poisonous king " says to I am sorry daughte

With the outer part that forefathers says, it is the face in villager of kin friend, neighborhood, the outer part that tells now is a lot of larger. Develop in Internet high speed now, anybody is known likely by whole world people for an instant. Of course, this kind of understanding is good likely, invent some vaccine for instance, the good work that what did to touch a person very.

Be apart from China Nanhai fresh market 2 kilometers, "Poisonous king " says to I am sorry daughter: Hide quilt secretly cry bitterly

But this kind of understanding also is bad likely, what to do for instance mean thing, was exploded to come out by news. The favour does not go out a thousand li of evil thing travel, the bad thing that do is passed possibly in everybody's ear at a draught, at that time one person a saliva can give party drown. The advantages and disadvantages that this also calculates Internet to develop two respects.

"Poisonous king " is gone to by public opinion assail cry bitterly

According to media coverage, recently, guangxi guest by the coronal the say Wei Mou with " of " poisonous king, segregation period is full already, however, he is faced with be sued by the court.

Classics understanding, before epidemic situation erupts, wei Mou is all the time south distance China seafood market is only the local deal of 2 kilometers, return Guangxi guest from Wuhan when Wei Mou when, concerned branch has had specific provision, personnel going there and back needs to register and be kept apart. But what Wei Mou feels epidemic situation does not have everybody to say is so serious, act wilfully not to appear in the newspaper.

After the staff member is informed, come to advise Wei Mou, and ask Wei Mou undertakes house home is kept apart. Wei Mou listens far from of the staff member persuade, do not keep apart stoutly. Wei Mou and wife ever went back and forth between each kin home for many times during this. Later, wei Mou was affected by diagnose new coronal is pneumonic, and the personnel of direct and indirect infection that causes because of Wei Mou is sufficient have 9 people.

Be apart from China Nanhai fresh market 2 kilometers, "Poisonous king " says to I am sorry daughter: Hide quilt secretly cry bitterly

Subsequently, wei Mou accepts segregation to treat in the hospital, but the public opinion assail on the net makes him sleep to be not worn however. The affect person that brings about because of him is occupied than big, accordingly, he is called by a lot of people " of " poisonous king. Wei Mou feels pressure is very great, often can hide in the quilt in the evening secretly cry bitterly, say to I am sorry daughter.

The place that works because of him again is apart from China Nanhai fresh market is very close, affect possibility really very big, the number that some feels to be affected by him may judge Dan Wei have by accident, also likely others infects him in Guangxi. So, wei Mou expresses to be able to cooperate relevant section to accept investigation, hope at an early date head of name of " of poisonous king of take out " , the life that return to normal.

Should atttack to Wei Mou public opinion?

"Poisonous king " isolates expiring word, after reporting through media, netizens in succession each airs his own views. The netizen feels, the thing had happened, relevant section also can have penalty to Wei Mou.

Although we are a flock of netizens, also want to consider the feeling of party appropriately, do not publish abusive opinion on public affairs casually, occasionally the character also is OK bloodguilty. Party should be punished, should get what kind of penalty, want to law will decide, such ability are just. The netizen is not mingled come in, person pork searchs verbal attack, calm view its become good.

Nevertheless, the netizen does not agree with this one view, state Wei Mou does not ask to report information according to epidemic prevention, still run in disorder everywhere, reject to keep apart, what these behavior do is too beyond the mark, should bear of the netizen censure. Know early now why at the outset? Besides, the netizen has the right that conveys free speech, to Wei Mou this is planted behavior, if we return the gift that receives gentleman, rather too too pedantry.

Be apart from China Nanhai fresh market 2 kilometers, "Poisonous king " says to I am sorry daughter: Hide quilt secretly cry bitterly

The author feels, the netizen says have partial reason, wei Mou breaks the law, other of the infection after diagnose is prevenient, so, wei Mou has responsibility, but affect 9 people after all about Wei Mou, the author thinks, still need further investigation, do not want the judgment below absurd, and, this kind of behavior is in verbal attack jural cannot take, hope netizens can a bit more sensible. Hope more, after this matter passes, wei Mou works can speak and act cautiously, not capricious absurd is.

Thoughtful: Does social public opinion want to control?

Additional, wei some incident is caused give a worth while and thoughtful issue, is that control of need of social public opinion? To this, some people say need, because a lot of netizens are easy echo what other says, the child that can judge dispute ability to doing not have so produces undesirable effect, allow to be fermented by public opinion the harmony that also goes against a society is stable.

Another some of person says not to need, public opinion represents free the will of the people, if control popular wishes blindly, meet people of keep long in stock only inner mood, those who create a society is queasy, free speech just can discover an error, correct an error in time, such more the development that is helpful for a society.

Be apart from China Nanhai fresh market 2 kilometers, "Poisonous king " says to I am sorry daughter: Hide quilt secretly cry bitterly

The author thinks, public opinion cannot complete indulge is free, resemble market economy cannot no matter complete indulge is same. The market has adjust economic ability, but also have blindness. People has the freedom of the speech, but people also can have blindness. Be used possibly even by a person with high aspirations and determination, mood of verbal and incendiary people, cause a society queasy. So, the author thinks, public opinion needs a canal to accuse, the adjusting control that needs a government like market economy is same.

But, public opinion cannot is in charge of again accuse too severe. The author thinks, should accuse in the canal a likely range is found on measure, inside limits people is OK free speech, express individual opinion, express the view to someone else. But if exceeded range, opinion on public affairs is about seasonable control. For instance Wei Mou this thing, the netizen can express his dissatisfaction and anger appropriately, but cannot involve assault and battery, otherwise lawbreaking.

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