The Sierra Leone woman that the men and women mixes Ju Aizi to run rampant to be perplexed by povert

African Sierra Leone is an uncivilized area, here people is common culture quality is very low, social disorder, ignorant and backward, to disease laissez-faire, because a few women lack medical service little medicine is the longest can live to be 40 years old only. What reason is this after all? African Sierra Leone is an uncivilized area, here people is common culture quality is very low, social disorder, ignorant and backward, to disease laissez-faire, because a few women lack medical service little medicine is the longest can live to be 40 years old only. What reason is this after all? This uncivilized ground returns adherence old tribal tradition up to now, they follow the institution with mutual belongings, domestic worth belongs to collective all, cacique has distributive right. This uncivilized ground returns adherence old tribal tradition up to now, they follow the institution with mutual belongings, domestic worth belongs to collective all, cacique has distributive right. The men and women mixes house phenomenon to exist generally also, they did not pass culture education and fundamental study, general follow a few backward custom are used to, this makes a few contagion very fast receive spread. The men and women mixes house phenomenon to exist generally also, they did not pass culture education and fundamental study, general follow a few backward custom are used to, this makes a few contagion very fast receive spread. A few people pay no attention to the meeting after 10 years to let the AIDS that they die, resemble the movie " warlike king " in those who say, even the following day can starved to death do not know, who can care about the disease that just breaks out after 10 years? A few people pay no attention to the meeting after 10 years to let the AIDS that they die, resemble the movie " warlike king " in those who say, even the following day can starved to death do not know, who can care about the disease that just breaks out after 10 years? Their woman won't make any contraceptive step, the woman that is pregnant accidentally is very common. Their woman won't make any contraceptive step, the woman that is pregnant accidentally is very common. Here has a few small handicraft industry and agriculture only, socioeconomy is very backward. Here has a few small handicraft industry and agriculture only, socioeconomy is very backward. Local government also organized class of a few study that take off blind, but it seems that how don't they catch a cold. Local government also organized class of a few study that take off blind, but it seems that how don't they catch a cold. The female is working all day, they are very painstaking, a few break down from constant overwork add on a few contagion, their life can achieve 40 years old only. The female is working all day, they are very painstaking, a few break down from constant overwork add on a few contagion, their life can achieve 40 years old only. The government can issue generation to have education to theirs only, perhaps future still can change somewhat. The government can issue generation to have education to theirs only, perhaps future still can change somewhat. They pay not to have high medical treatment cost, what can suffer a disease silently only is painful. | | | They pay not to have high medical treatment cost, what can suffer a disease silently only is painful. | | |
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