Canada " help a tyrant to do evil " evidential authentic: Information orgnaization also participat

The judicial document that Ottawwa federal court publishs at Zhou Si evening shows, outside dividing Canadian royal ranger, custom, bureau of Canadian safe information (CSIS) also participated in the action that detain China was late boat of presiding and financial Guan Meng in December 2018.

According to Reuter report, orgnaization of this Canada information ever issued a warning, the daughter that detain China holds the post of to be not for father will cause the whole world " bow wave " , affect the relation with China badly.

China be is next generation the core manufacturer of wireless technology 5G, got Telangpu the blow of governmental prolonged.

Regard Meng Wanzhou as the one part of extradite case, report of a CSIS is announced in judicial document. On December 1, 2018 one edits in the memorandum book that pass, CSIS expresses, FBI (FBI) inform them, that day later on Meng Wanzhou flies to the plan that Wengehua detains to be being applied actually when the International Airport.

Canada " help a tyrant to do evil " evidential authentic: Information orgnaization also participates in detain Meng Wanzhou

"This can cause bow wave probably all over the world. " CSIS says in the report, "The incident in this one plan will be mixed in international bilateral on produce major effect. "The incident in this one plan will be mixed in international bilateral on produce major effect..

According to Peng Bo the company reports, memorandum says, the Canadian police of responsible executive act realises " the high politics sex of detain " . Still point out in memorandum, FBI did not enter this operation, be aware with avoiding to let a person its are affected.

Meng Wanzhou is seeking Canadian court to reject American extradite to request, reason is right her detain breaks the law. Before she accuses Canadian police, custom and FBI are sueing her formally, undertook secretly counting the interrogate of the hour to her, got the password of her electron equipment.

Canada does not list bump the result of the first court decision that Colombia saved a high court to announced proposal of Meng Wanzhou extradite on May 27 local time, regretful is she is maintained to accord with " double crime " standard, accordingly extradite case will continue to try.

Make public as new judicial document, canada " help a tyrant to do evil " evidential authentic. Actually the file shows CSIS returns the detain of afraid Meng Wanzhou when to can be made public, her lawyer points out this are particularly interesting, because on December 1, 2018 in the evening Canadian premier Justin Teluduo (Justin Trudeau) the G20 summit that attended to be held in Argentina with leader of Sino-US two countries is met and have a meal together. (herd of C114 Jiang Jun)

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