International kiss day: Kiss the demon in nature

July 6 is international kiss day, also call world kiss day. This festival is taken the lead in initiating by the Englishman, got the acknowledgement of U.N. 1991. It is a lover not just, a lot of people also can kiss the demon in nature in this day.

Weiluonika was in 3 years old of little girls of American a few days ago an aquaria experienced administrative division of division of Kang Nie surname wonderful hour of a paragraph of blazing, a lovely white whale was lying between glass and her to be kissed. Weiluonika kept half hour fully before this only white whale, and this Bai Jingyi that is called Zhu Nuo is straight along vitreous wall lively move about is worn. Have during momently, the big guy that this weighs 9 tons only opens mouth, to its new friend Weiluonika is displayed went up " deep feeling is kissed " .

International kiss day: Kiss the demon in nature

South Africa coast, steve Woods is opening British underwater cameraman the picture of the Schmidt of · of fellow diver Kevin that a when the underwater that the 34 kilometers austral Pu Duixi are in catchs blue shark stands by him, blue shark wants Kevin to give a kiss it seems that.

International kiss day: Kiss the demon in nature

Latvian made of baked clay case of a woman adopted in the home two feral bear. Unfortunate is among them a brown bear died, but this more the relation that consolidated she rebukes only then with what remain. Fab friendship was built between them, they take a walk together, sleep, kiss each other even.

International kiss day: Kiss the demon in nature

Garden of lion of seascape of white harbor of Li Sha of south Africa Yi, benefit of breeder A assorted and the male Hu Xiaoxiao that heft 250 kilograms only are a pair of good friends. This is kissed to the friend and embrace, they wash bath together in the brook around even.

International kiss day: Kiss the demon in nature

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