True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

The cameraman Thibault Bunoust that comes from French Paris comes down with camera lens record the night scene with flourishing new York, one group is full of lamplight, reflection, composition of a picture, the night scene that overcomes a style plus digital friend photographs, neon lamp and wet floor and cubage floodlight, as if the city that is stationed in body and the night 2077.

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

True Sai Bopeng overcomes wind, the new York in rain

Thibault Bunoust films the place is in new York, have the place that spider a person adept in martial arts and given to chivalrous conduct ever had fought bravely, tartarean kitchen, still have the occasion times square in avenger alliance, even if is in rain, night of all over the sky, this city also is sending the ray that belongs to his.

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