The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

Of 5 tower temples of Beijing autumn

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman cat thief

Park of Beijing the Temple of Heaven - pray year hall

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman A Wei to photograph

Beijing tastes - sugarcoated haws on a stick

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman to like Mr Zhou of photography

Beijing goes in for sth in a large scale building of airport boat station

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman parachuter

3 lis of collect of Beijing

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman green Yan Ruci

Beijing / alley

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman artistic conception

798 article of Beijing start central car

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman to pursue a dream 906

Beijing Cbd and park of the North sea

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman this

State - Beijing Long Fusi

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

State Beijing, cloud cirrus easy. The setting sun falls on the west, poetic flavour Yu Hui. Here is temple of Beijing grand blessing. The picture comes from | Rice films shadow Shi Zui sees the setting sun listen to rain to high

Beijing north sea wind is smooth

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice takes cameraman severe rock

Park of wet ground of state of Beijing mallard lake

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats lake of mallard of cameraman user WbgwTv62 is Beijing the biggest park of the most beautiful national wet ground, also be Beijing's sole wet avian and natural groove guard, 13 Summer Palaces return area ratio big, suit to walk particularly, ran, circuit comes down is tens of thousands of pace! Mallard lake also is to film the good place of sunset.

The alley near temple of tower of boreal parts in Beijing opera spoken in Beijing dialect

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman PHOTO Lu Xiaoyu to be located in near Bai Dasi alley, bai Dasi the name is clever should temple, be located in Beijing the city zone mounds on the west the ave inside the door 171.

Beijing Xia Dou park

The boreal capital below 14 cameraman camera lens

The picture comes from | Rice pats cameraman TaylorWang

Above picture all comes from meter of work that takes cameraman. Without allowing, prohibit reprinting. Want to understand the more photography fun, more that admire analyse outstanding photography work, the welcome pays close attention to rice to pat.

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