1 should doing not have a person do not like chocolate, black chocolate, white chocolate, milk chocolate... can saying chocolate only is one of deserts with the most welcome whole world really! But in case also did not eat chocolate again one day? The 2 cocoa beans that at present the whole world has 2/3 come from West Africa, ketediwa is the biggest chocolate on the world produce a country. And chocolate must be in high humidity and the environment in a large number of rainwater grow, but because climate is transitional, be in next in a few years, these areas may suit cacao to grow no longer, chocolate will demand exceeds supply. The official of Tediwa and Ghana is in 3 eye criminal record try to solve this problem, because their ecosystem also is faced with menace because of climate changes. The Hawkins that studies company Hardman Agribusiness expresses: " the smallholder that the cacao that the whole world exceeds 90 % is some of autarky is in cultivate, did not grow a technology admirably or be equipment. From the point of all numbers, in the near future in, annual chocolate may have the shortage that is as high as 100 thousand tons. "4 and if average air temperature rises to expect a level, torrid weather won't have enough rainfall, the district that this also represents cocoa plantation must be gone to the dilate on hill just can reach the temperature that suits cacao to grow hundreds feet. Total arrange of American country ocean and air (the report discovery of NOAA) , to 2050, the whole world can have more than 290 areas to will not continue to cultivate cacao. 5NOAA thinks among them a method is to be able to create the cacao seed that suits dry climate. At present the scientist also begins to transform the DNA of cocoa crop, make seedling can live in warmer, drier climate. After all everybody does not want delicate chocolate to disappear from now on!