Bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa

Bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa: World culture bequest, area of scene of travel of national AAAAA stage, countrywide key cultural relic protects an unit, one of 4 name garden of Chinese. Bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa renown " Cheng Deli palace " or " hot river make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital " , be located in Heibei to save bear heart downtown is upper, the bank takes Wu Liehe on the west on long and narrow valley, it is the room that summer of clear acting emperor is away for the summer holidays and deals government affairs.  Bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa: World culture bequest, area of scene of travel of national AAAAA stage, countrywide key cultural relic protects an unit, one of 4 name garden of Chinese. Bear heart be away for the summer holidays mountain villa renown " Cheng Deli palace " or " hot river make imperial palace for short stays away from the capital " , be located in Heibei to save bear heart downtown is upper, the bank takes Wu Liehe on the west on long and narrow valley, it is the room that summer of clear acting emperor is away for the summer holidays and deals government affairs.
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