10 thousand people send plant of Chinese wool calm check main forces go out for a battle and factory

5 days morning, middle school of wool calm factory sends one's deceased father special bus car is punctual set out from the school gate, before carrying examinee, go to 6 install the urban district to attend the university entrance exam. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)5 days morning, middle school of wool calm factory sends one's deceased father special bus car is punctual set out from the school gate, before carrying examinee, go to 6 install the urban district to attend the university entrance exam. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Several parents and send off of dweller a narrow lane the examinee of the university entrance exam this year people hurry off to " front " . Middle school of wool calm factory is known as " Asia " of factory of the oldest the university entrance exam, annual 10 thousand people send a tradition that takes an examination of grand occasion to had become place and calling card. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Several parents and send off of dweller a narrow lane the examinee of the university entrance exam this year people hurry off to " front " . Middle school of wool calm factory is known as " Asia " of factory of the oldest the university entrance exam, annual 10 thousand people send a tradition that takes an examination of grand occasion to had become place and calling card. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Face the university entrance exam, the pressure of Indian examinee is not as little as Chinese examinee, medical project major still needs to have special examination. The educational quality year after year of average school drops, then the student begins to attend to groom variously orgnaization, those who undertake two years is enclosed should try education. | | | Does everybody feel of factory of Indian wool calm and China than how how? (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Face the university entrance exam, the pressure of Indian examinee is not as little as Chinese examinee, medical project major still needs to have special examination. The educational quality year after year of average school drops, then the student begins to attend to groom variously orgnaization, those who undertake two years is enclosed should try education. | | | Does everybody feel of factory of Indian wool calm and China than how how? (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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