Rural uncle sells characteristic fastfood, a two fund day enters nearly 1000 yuan, this kind of char

Small vendor's stand is run by the family in the graph, come from Yu Shan Xi Youyu county, and the distinguishing feature that they run is fastfood cake of right jade candy, the candy cake that makes as a result of father three is pure, got of everybody reputably. Local is good this, so everyday client in an endless stream. Small vendor's stand is run by the family in the graph, come from Yu Shan Xi Youyu county, and the distinguishing feature that they run is fastfood cake of right jade candy, the candy cake that makes as a result of father three is pure, got of everybody reputably. Local is good this, so everyday client in an endless stream. The graph buys candy cake for the tourist, because candy cake is more popular, practice of cake of together with candy is exquisite, so the customer is returned so that book occasionally, be booked even if 89 pieces, 10 come piece. General bearer is to be booked first, went shopping next, client and three of a father are more trustful, the relationship between people is close and honest. The graph buys candy cake for the tourist, because candy cake is more popular, practice of cake of together with candy is exquisite, so the customer is returned so that book occasionally, be booked even if 89 pieces, 10 come piece. General bearer is to be booked first, went shopping next, client and three of a father are more trustful, the relationship between people is close and honest. The area base in the making process that the graph is cake of right jade candy wraps stuffing, candy cake is by wheat flour is made, but because added the introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad sesame oil with new moon peculiar city, area base colour and lustre is so golden and aroma is inviting. The area base in the making process that the graph is cake of right jade candy wraps stuffing, candy cake is by wheat flour is made, but because added the introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad sesame oil with new moon peculiar city, area base colour and lustre is so golden and aroma is inviting. Uncle is in cake of candy of bake in a pan, the kongfu of this flapjack is completely on the hand, the gimmick of uncle very skilled, assure to sell best candy cake to the client, this sells a thing but cannot fool, deceive client is him deceive, uncle is holding to simple think of a way all the time. Uncle is in cake of candy of bake in a pan, the kongfu of this flapjack is completely on the hand, the gimmick of uncle very skilled, assure to sell best candy cake to the client, this sells a thing but cannot fool, deceive client is him deceive, uncle is holding to simple think of a way all the time. Candy cake has been done, colour and lustre is golden, aroma is tangy, look at want to eat. The candy cake of uncle two money, one balance all can sell 339. Uncle can make 779 money one day, I say father's elder brother you can make many money, uncle says money is bad to earn! Every the top margin of a page carries the sun on the head, go back in the evening of lumbar acerbity backache. Be, which had had money to earn! Nevertheless uncle says he had given a son to buy a house in the county, lord child very happy. Candy cake has been done, colour and lustre is golden, aroma is tangy, look at want to eat. The candy cake of uncle two money, one balance all can sell 339. Uncle can make 779 money one day, I say father's elder brother you can make many money, uncle says money is bad to earn! Every the top margin of a page carries the sun on the head, go back in the evening of lumbar acerbity backache. Be, which had had money to earn! Nevertheless uncle says he had given a son to buy a house in the county, lord child very happy. Couldn't help buying a candy cake, as expected delicious, thin, fragile, crisp, sweet, sweet, had tasted, the cake of bake in a pan of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad sesame oil as expected very delicious. Couldn't help buying a candy cake, as expected delicious, thin, fragile, crisp, sweet, sweet, had tasted, the cake of bake in a pan of introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad sesame oil as expected very delicious. Cake of right jade candy, in one's childhood memory, sweet smell, full memory, but the life is insipid, father three is thrown in busy job again, experiencing the happiness of the life and hope, experiencing what place of small candy cake brings is abundant. UncleCake of right jade candy, in one's childhood memory, sweet smell, full memory, but the life is insipid, father three is thrown in busy job again, experiencing the happiness of the life and hope, experiencing what place of small candy cake brings is abundant. Uncle
未经允许不得转载:Picture » Rural uncle sells characteristic fastfood, a two fund day enters nearly 1000 yuan, this kind of char