Gang of bilk of 55 people telecommunication! One boiler carries Xi water police!

A few days ago, public security bureau of Xi water county weighs a fist to hit out, much alarm plant more than 100 alarm force fights in coordination, successful end drops gang of bilk of one telegraphic network, arrest a suspect in all 55 people, capital of case of spot distrain experience more than yuan 1.5 million. On June 11, classics is interrogatory, the person such as Pan Mou, Wang Mou, Xiong Mou is suspected of the guilty fact of telegraphic network bilk admitting to its. A few days ago, public security bureau of Xi water county weighs a fist to hit out, much alarm plant more than 100 alarm force fights in coordination, successful end drops gang of bilk of one telegraphic network, arrest a suspect in all 55 people, capital of case of spot distrain experience more than yuan 1.5 million. On June 11, classics is interrogatory, the person such as Pan Mou, Wang Mou, Xiong Mou is suspected of the guilty fact of telegraphic network bilk admitting to its. In December 2017, public security bureau of Xi water county punishment detect policeman discovers clew in the job: Some investment firm is suspected of Xi water the city zone telegraphic network bilk! Punishment detect group establishs public security bureau of Xi water county then case group spreads out investigate. | | | Classics a few months works hard, preliminary find out: This is one is suspected of gang of telegraphic network bilk! Gang " head " Pan Mou of book of the water that it is Xi, Xiong Mou, wang Mou of collect field native place. This gang member has a few people at least, division of labor is clear, it is a name in order to fry merchandise on hand, futures, carry out bilk through telegraphic network. In December 2017, public security bureau of Xi water county punishment detect policeman discovers clew in the job: Some investment firm is suspected of Xi water the city zone telegraphic network bilk! Punishment detect group establishs public security bureau of Xi water county then case group spreads out investigate. | | | Classics a few months works hard, preliminary find out: This is one is suspected of gang of telegraphic network bilk! Gang " head " Pan Mou of book of the water that it is Xi, Xiong Mou, wang Mou of collect field native place. This gang member has a few people at least, division of labor is clear, it is a name in order to fry merchandise on hand, futures, carry out bilk through telegraphic network. Classics is many and difficult visit investigation job meticulously, case group understood the clew such as spot of structure of this gang personnel, office and bilk method stage by stage, on June 5, combination of punishment detect group is much alarm kind dispatch more than 100 alarm force, in city of Xi water, Qi spring, hemp, Huang Shi and other places takes action controlling a network at the same time, arrest a suspect in all 55 people, capital of case of spot distrain experience more than yuan 1.5 million. On June 11, xiong Mou of main crime suspect by force of police pressure, active a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime. Classics is many and difficult visit investigation job meticulously, case group understood the clew such as spot of structure of this gang personnel, office and bilk method stage by stage, on June 5, combination of punishment detect group is much alarm kind dispatch more than 100 alarm force, in city of Xi water, Qi spring, hemp, Huang Shi and other places takes action controlling a network at the same time, arrest a suspect in all 55 people, capital of case of spot distrain experience more than yuan 1.5 million. On June 11, xiong Mou of main crime suspect by force of police pressure, active a criminal give himself up to the police confesses his crime.
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