Thailand shrimp, one of fresh water shrimp with the greatest type of build or figure: Often be prete

Fresh water grows brachial prawn to say Thailand shrimp, Thailand grows brachial prawn again, it is the fresh water shrimp with the greatest type of build or figure kind one of. Fresh water grows brachial prawn to say Thailand shrimp, Thailand grows brachial prawn again, it is the fresh water shrimp with the greatest type of build or figure kind one of. Great majority of grown and individual height is in 25 centimeters of less than, already decided 32 centimeters to the oldest record is height at present. Great majority of grown and individual height is in 25 centimeters of less than, already decided 32 centimeters to the oldest record is height at present. Tremendous head and gangling body show sharp contrast. Tremendous head and gangling body show sharp contrast. Allegedly, what ever the record grows 110 centimeters to is individual. Allegedly, what ever the record grows 110 centimeters to is individual. Long and thin blue has petty spine wool and fine fur on big chela, it is one of its most apparent features. Long and thin blue has petty spine wool and fine fur on big chela, it is one of its most apparent features. They although type of build or figure is gigantic, but it is commonner breed aquatics however shrimp, many pedlar pretend to be it for langouste, beguiling client, everybody does not want to be duped. They although type of build or figure is gigantic, but it is commonner breed aquatics however shrimp, many pedlar pretend to be it for langouste, beguiling client, everybody does not want to be duped. Prawn of fresh water long arm distributings extremely wide, country of origin is India, Vietnam, Thailand, new Guinea, Burmese, Malaysia and the Oceania western, there all is large-scale farm in Chinese Guangdong, Taiwan at present. Prawn of fresh water long arm distributings extremely wide, country of origin is India, Vietnam, Thailand, new Guinea, Burmese, Malaysia and the Oceania western, there all is large-scale farm in Chinese Guangdong, Taiwan at present.
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