Great minds mature slowly! Does the encourage annals story that sees these stars still become aware

Waerdi, was born 1987, southron. Be in all the time before Waerdi flower coronal kickball, just give Zhan Yingchao match till 27 years old. 2015/2016 sports season helped Laisite carry off Yingchao champion, he 29 years old is judged to be sports season optimal player, selected still this year England world cup 23 people list, too encourage annals. Waerdi, was born 1987, southron. Be in all the time before Waerdi flower coronal kickball, just give Zhan Yingchao match till 27 years old. 2015/2016 sports season helped Laisite carry off Yingchao champion, he 29 years old is judged to be sports season optimal player, selected still this year England world cup 23 people list, too encourage annals. Milituo, was born 1979, argentine. 2004, milituo of 25 years old begins to kick meaning second league matches, by right of its the expression of 59 33 balls entered team area meaning armour. 2009, he 30 years old joined in Milan of international of rich and powerful family, be in the Meikai in Europe coronal final beat Bai Ren 2 degrees 2010, help team coronate 3 coronals king, he right now already 31 years old. Milituo, was born 1979, argentine. 2004, milituo of 25 years old begins to kick meaning second league matches, by right of its the expression of 59 33 balls entered team area meaning armour. 2009, he 30 years old joined in Milan of international of rich and powerful family, be in the Meikai in Europe coronal final beat Bai Ren 2 degrees 2010, help team coronate 3 coronals king, he right now already 31 years old. Lu Ka - Tony, was born 1977, italian. 29 years old he before is the greenery beside Ba Qiao of legend giant star all the time, arrived however 2006, tony of 29 years old cares about armour to be hit into 31 balls, become meaning shell optimal archer, strode world top class archer. Turn later can arrive Bai Ren, took De Jia again optimal archer, tony announced to retire 2016. Lu Ka - Tony, was born 1977, italian. 29 years old he before is the greenery beside Ba Qiao of legend giant star all the time, arrived however 2006, tony of 29 years old cares about armour to be hit into 31 balls, become meaning shell optimal archer, strode world top class archer. Turn later can arrive Bai Ren, took De Jia again optimal archer, tony announced to retire 2016. Fannisiteluyi, was born 1976, dutch. 25 years old before, fan Ni all the time free is in club of armour of carry on one's shoulder, oneself also are not lukewarm not fire, till 2001 the eye knows the Sen Hui that expend case bead, took Fan Ni of 25 years old graceful couplet, just had that from now on " the king of forbidden zone " , fan Ni also obtained Ying Chao, De Jia, Ou Guan early or late optimal archer, retired 2012. Fannisiteluyi, was born 1976, dutch. 25 years old before, fan Ni all the time free is in club of armour of carry on one's shoulder, oneself also are not lukewarm not fire, till 2001 the eye knows the Sen Hui that expend case bead, took Fan Ni of 25 years old graceful couplet, just had that from now on " the king of forbidden zone " , fan Ni also obtained Ying Chao, De Jia, Ou Guan early or late optimal archer, retired 2012. Biaierhuofu, was born 1968, german. Be in till 28 years old than Aierhuofu the one battle of goal of European cup final became famous 1996, arrived 1997/1998 sports season, he 30 years old erupted thoroughly, care about armour 32 matches are pressed with 27 goals force the Luo Na Er of at the summit of one's power is much at that time, carried off boots of meaning armour gold. Turn after a year can carry off to AC Milan the meaning armour champion that long for day and night, retired 2003. Biaierhuofu, was born 1968, german. Be in till 28 years old than Aierhuofu the one battle of goal of European cup final became famous 1996, arrived 1997/1998 sports season, he 30 years old erupted thoroughly, care about armour 32 matches are pressed with 27 goals force the Luo Na Er of at the summit of one's power is much at that time, carried off boots of meaning armour gold. Turn after a year can carry off to AC Milan the meaning armour champion that long for day and night, retired 2003. Hubuneier, was born 1967, italian. He 21 years old just begins to be in amateur team kickball, begin from league matches of Italian third class all the way, to 35 years old advanced age obtained meaning armour with 24 goals optimal archer, become Italy a paragraph of legend on football history. Hubuneier, was born 1967, italian. He 21 years old just begins to be in amateur team kickball, begin from league matches of Italian third class all the way, to 35 years old advanced age obtained meaning armour with 24 goals optimal archer, become Italy a paragraph of legend on football history. Thank Lin Hanmu, was born 1966, southron. He 33 years old obtained 3 coronals king along with graceful couplet, he 35 years old still can be in the world the first league matches is hit into 15 goals, was opposite on behalf of Mu of the Western Han Dynasty 2006 Zhen Mancheng, he 40 years old is hit into a goal, become player of Ying Chao goal the oldest player. Thank Lin Hanmu, was born 1966, southron. He 33 years old obtained 3 coronals king along with graceful couplet, he 35 years old still can be in the world the first league matches is hit into 15 goals, was opposite on behalf of Mu of the Western Han Dynasty 2006 Zhen Mancheng, he 40 years old is hit into a goal, become player of Ying Chao goal the oldest player. Roger - rice is pulled, was born 1952, cameroon person. 1990 world cup, rice of 38 years old is pulled infiltrate 4 goals lead Cameroon to rush into 8 strong, 1994 world cup, the rice of 42 years old of advanced age pulls uncle to infiltrate again one ball, refresh what the player scores a goal in the world cup is the most agelong age record. Roger - rice is pulled, was born 1952, cameroon person. 1990 world cup, rice of 38 years old is pulled infiltrate 4 goals lead Cameroon to rush into 8 strong, 1994 world cup, the rice of 42 years old of advanced age pulls uncle to infiltrate again one ball, refresh what the player scores a goal in the world cup is the most agelong age record.
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