Indian mouth is flush progress goes down to be able to cause very big crisis, why doesn't India con

Current period, china is the population on the world the biggest country. But the country is well_matched in speaking of to mix, that is India. Indian mouth special also is the country that can follow Chinese photograph one to compare only. Everybody knows China and India are neighbour, it is the country that belongs to an Asia nevertheless, india still has a lot of sides cannot be compared with China. India is located in South Asia is the country with the biggest the South Asian Subcontinent. Current period, china is the population on the world the biggest country. But the country is well_matched in speaking of to mix, that is India. Indian mouth special also is the country that can follow Chinese photograph one to compare only. Everybody knows China and India are neighbour, it is the country that belongs to an Asia nevertheless, india still has a lot of sides cannot be compared with China. India is located in South Asia is the country with the biggest the South Asian Subcontinent. According to statistic, indian population is this many 1.3 billion amount about it is very big actually, should know our China just has 1.4 billion person only just. It is the person that lives in the Asia together nevertheless supporting so much population also is exceeding not easy. India, also be called to be the country of the strangest flower on the world by people, because they come,we can see different custom habit. Each are to make a person dumbfounded. According to statistic, indian population is this many 1.3 billion amount about it is very big actually, should know our China just has 1.4 billion person only just. It is the person that lives in the Asia together nevertheless supporting so much population also is exceeding not easy. India, also be called to be the country of the strangest flower on the world by people, because they come,we can see different custom habit. Each are to make a person dumbfounded. The deepest to Indian impression is them that hand catchs a meal, their Indian won't use a chopstick, have a meal to be able to go to the lavatory quite so with the hand so. Still have Indian train, because the train is compared,so you often meet petty gain to see on the train sit full person, if there is disengaged place on the train,can sit immediately only full, this also is people mouth middling says a kind " hang a ticket " . Looking now also is quite magical, on God's earth has what ability of 3 elder brother does India to come out only. The deepest to Indian impression is them that hand catchs a meal, their Indian won't use a chopstick, have a meal to be able to go to the lavatory quite so with the hand so. Still have Indian train, because the train is compared,so you often meet petty gain to see on the train sit full person, if there is disengaged place on the train,can sit immediately only full, this also is people mouth middling says a kind " hang a ticket " . Looking now also is quite magical, on God's earth has what ability of 3 elder brother does India to come out only. India is a developing country, but domestic situation however very poor and backward, level of average per capita also is exceedingly low. And hold the post of Indian population also be grow in what last, believe before long in the future, he will surmount China, turn the world into country of the first population, but this meeting brings very big crisis to India, since why don't such India control population? India is a developing country, but domestic situation however very poor and backward, level of average per capita also is exceedingly low. And hold the post of Indian population also be grow in what last, believe before long in the future, he will surmount China, turn the world into country of the first population, but this meeting brings very big crisis to India, since why don't such India control population? The caste system that is India above all, be in India is minute of tall caste and low caste, tall caste is those nobles that amount to an official, and the people that low caste is those poverty. People of very much low caste should serve to tall caste person, oppressive exploit, make India must have huge population to undertake for them " the person on the person " the life. The most important is the religious reason because of India, india also is the country with devotional most religion, and religion is to encourage bear, so almost every family has several children, this is very normal thing. The caste system that is India above all, be in India is minute of tall caste and low caste, tall caste is those nobles that amount to an official, and the people that low caste is those poverty. People of very much low caste should serve to tall caste person, oppressive exploit, make India must have huge population to undertake for them " the person on the person " the life. The most important is the religious reason because of India, india also is the country with devotional most religion, and religion is to encourage bear, so almost every family has several children, this is very normal thing. If develop so again,go down, india can have very big crisis, because economic level of India is lower, if population changes,the country can not contribute much word give too much resource, such meetings bring about a lot of person be on short commons the meal sleeps bad to become aware people meeting faces the problem that be badly off. India also puts forward family planning before its are honest, but the country that India is a democracy, whatever thing needs vote. This thing suffers a lot of Indians object, they allege this is to encroach human rights to be in so finally also of no help. If develop so again,go down, india can have very big crisis, because economic level of India is lower, if population changes,the country can not contribute much word give too much resource, such meetings bring about a lot of person be on short commons the meal sleeps bad to become aware people meeting faces the problem that be badly off. India also puts forward family planning before its are honest, but the country that India is a democracy, whatever thing needs vote. This thing suffers a lot of Indians object, they allege this is to encroach human rights to be in so finally also of no help.
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