2018 on Asia Game of Jakarta Ba Lunbang, chinese female basket encounters Japanese female basket

Outside intermediary message, local time on August 17, 2018, hold in Indonesian Jakarta 2018 on Asia Game of Jakarta Ba Lunbang, in the female basket match of area of A of house of basketball of Gelora Bung Karno, chinese girl with 105 than 73 get the better of Japanese female team greatly. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Outside intermediary message, local time on August 17, 2018, hold in Indonesian Jakarta 2018 on Asia Game of Jakarta Ba Lunbang, in the female basket match of area of A of house of basketball of Gelora Bung Karno, chinese girl with 105 than 73 get the better of Japanese female team greatly. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This is contest of field woman qualification. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This is contest of field woman qualification. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site, chinese girls were made hard. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site, chinese girls were made hard. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is race site (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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