Recall Annam, u.N. allow black secretary-general, 3 instants that Annam is in China

Annam of · of tower of Kofi · A (Kofi Atta Annan, u.N. the 7th secretary-general, also be U.N. history on allow black secretary-general, he was graduated from Masschusetts Institute of Technology 1972, 2001, be awarded Nobel peace prize. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Annam of · of tower of Kofi · A (Kofi Atta Annan, u.N. the 7th secretary-general, also be U.N. history on allow black secretary-general, he was graduated from Masschusetts Institute of Technology 1972, 2001, be awarded Nobel peace prize. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Recall Annam, u.N. allow black secretary-general, 3 instants of Annam and China. This was on May 20, 2006, annam couple is in of Huang Shan video, they to tourist people wave enthusiasticly present one's compliment. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Recall Annam, u.N. allow black secretary-general, 3 instants of Annam and China. This was on May 20, 2006, annam couple is in of Huang Shan video, they to tourist people wave enthusiasticly present one's compliment. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)" Annam is passed " issued October 1, 2010, but the author of this book is however (beautiful) Ike Ha De, the price is 49.8 yuan at that time, recorded the U.N. job career that Annam is as long as more than 40 years. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)" Annam is passed " issued October 1, 2010, but the author of this book is however (beautiful) Ike Ha De, the price is 49.8 yuan at that time, recorded the U.N. job career that Annam is as long as more than 40 years. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)On November 25, 2015, annam attends forum of zoology of global society entrepreneur in Beijing, with entrepreneur people kind chat. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)On November 25, 2015, annam attends forum of zoology of global society entrepreneur in Beijing, with entrepreneur people kind chat. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In those days him 77 years old, body hale and hearty, business suit change is walked on, demeanour is elegant. Recall Annam gentleman, u.N. allow black secretary-general, 3 instants that Annam is in China. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)In those days him 77 years old, body hale and hearty, business suit change is walked on, demeanour is elegant. Recall Annam gentleman, u.N. allow black secretary-general, 3 instants that Annam is in China. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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