On August 17, 2018, jilin Changchun rich is met near the road, one pedlar is being hawked hang object. Hang dropping is plastic and transparent close envelope, the liquid inside is green or pink, vivid little goldfish, tortoise is inside move about is worn. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Pedlar says, there is nutrition in bag fluid and compress oxygen, "The tortoise can be vivid inside 3 months, put still can live " . (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Live fish is hanged 5 yuan, vivid chelonian is hanged 10 yuan. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Vivid chelonian of live fish of citizen angrily rebuke is hanged adorn too cruel, with nutrition fluid supports oneself in sealed and plastic bag, somebody buys next hanging to drop preparative free captive animals. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "Booth advocate say, small chelonian is Brazilian chelonian, small fish is goldfish. The water in bag is nutrient fluid, can make sure small fish is small perhaps chelonian lives at least 3 months. Need not feed during this feed, also need not change water. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "To this, aquatic product expert introduces, hang dropping is sealed, although have nutrient liquid, the dissolve oxygen quantity inside water also uses 17 hours left and right sides quite only commonly, chelonian, fish can die 9 days. (the picture signs: Oriental IC) "