Because 84 years old of old people think of Sun Xin to cut, 3 days ride a 100 kilometers

Zhang Suishan of 84 years old of old people lives alone all the time, because think of Sun Xin to cut, cycle unexpectedly 100 kilometers are searched to Hubei assist this world from Henan close. The graph wants not to remove the abode of grandchildren for the old person, driftage street is discovered by the policeman, mention the grandchildren that has not seen oneself, the tear of the old person ins tears to fall however. Say of policeman of this world that occupy assist (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Zhang Suishan of 84 years old of old people lives alone all the time, because think of Sun Xin to cut, cycle unexpectedly 100 kilometers are searched to Hubei assist this world from Henan close. The graph wants not to remove the abode of grandchildren for the old person, driftage street is discovered by the policeman, mention the grandchildren that has not seen oneself, the tear of the old person ins tears to fall however. Say of policeman of this world that occupy assist (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is the bike that old person and he rides, can seeing an old person is all the way how painstaking. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is the bike that old person and he rides, can seeing an old person is all the way how painstaking. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph has not seen his grandchildren for the old person, it is in the eye full but. Can see the old person is the grandchildren that how wants to see his. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph has not seen his grandchildren for the old person, it is in the eye full but. Can see the old person is the grandchildren that how wants to see his. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is by bicycle for the old person in travel process. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is by bicycle for the old person in travel process. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is the apple that the old person brings and yam, say the grandchildren that is oneself likes to eat those who bring grandson. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is the apple that the old person brings and yam, say the grandchildren that is oneself likes to eat those who bring grandson. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is in for assist in relief policeman chat with the old person inquiry circumstance. The old person says he thinks him grandchildren all the time, grandchildren lives in clear bayou of assist this world but cannot find grandchildren dwelling however, thinking when us method contacts him when grandchildren, the full expectation in old person eye. According to assist this world the policeman says (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is in for assist in relief policeman chat with the old person inquiry circumstance. The old person says he thinks him grandchildren all the time, grandchildren lives in clear bayou of assist this world but cannot find grandchildren dwelling however, thinking when us method contacts him when grandchildren, the full expectation in old person eye. According to assist this world the policeman says (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is in for the old person take a rest on the way preparation continues to cycle. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph is in for the old person take a rest on the way preparation continues to cycle. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph prepares to continue to head for the place that grandchildren lives by bicycle for the old person. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The graph prepares to continue to head for the place that grandchildren lives by bicycle for the old person. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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