If the abdomen is pregnant, 1 year old half female child have quite ill at death's door, there is p

This little girl is called Kang Mengru, live in city of Henan Luo river health depression village, right now 1 year old half. Do not see her lie on sickbed now laughing, this was to do operation hind, understand the anguish besides her. Before this, but she cries all night ah. Because of her small age, bear hard the anguish that strange disease brings: Her abdomen was roused, like conceiving pregnant. Those who begin parents to think because indigestion is caused,the child is is abdominal distension, do not have too care about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)This little girl is called Kang Mengru, live in city of Henan Luo river health depression village, right now 1 year old half. Do not see her lie on sickbed now laughing, this was to do operation hind, understand the anguish besides her. Before this, but she cries all night ah. Because of her small age, bear hard the anguish that strange disease brings: Her abdomen was roused, like conceiving pregnant. Those who begin parents to think because indigestion is caused,the child is is abdominal distension, do not have too care about. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)But gradually bigger and bigger, the child also from morning till night cries be troubled by more than. This ability realizes parents the circumstance that daughter little dream eatas surname already very critical, undertake remedial as soon as possible. Parents sends inspection of a small hospital her, without fish what pathogeny. Subsequently, was sent hospital of Luo river downtown to accept an inspection again, the reason that if be pregnant,says abdomen is big is parasitism embryo. The graph starts work for the doctor take out stitches of pair of cut of little dream eat, spot examination shows operation rehabilitation is successful. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)But gradually bigger and bigger, the child also from morning till night cries be troubled by more than. This ability realizes parents the circumstance that daughter little dream eatas surname already very critical, undertake remedial as soon as possible. Parents sends inspection of a small hospital her, without fish what pathogeny. Subsequently, was sent hospital of Luo river downtown to accept an inspection again, the reason that if be pregnant,says abdomen is big is parasitism embryo. The graph starts work for the doctor take out stitches of pair of cut of little dream eat, spot examination shows operation rehabilitation is successful. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)What is meant by parasitism embryo? Parasitism embryo is a kind of very rare disease, have two when the mother's body or when above is fetal, strong fetal to contend for nutrition of the mother's body, another or a few puny fetal absorb wrap up to be inside his body. Incidence of a disease extremely. The patient's condition that the doctor says to little dream eatas surname cannot have awaited again, must carry out an operation immediately, abandon oneself to discontinue goes otherwise consequence is unimaginable. The graph is the Kang Mengru after rehabilitation, in father Kang Xiqing is conceived in. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)What is meant by parasitism embryo? Parasitism embryo is a kind of very rare disease, have two when the mother's body or when above is fetal, strong fetal to contend for nutrition of the mother's body, another or a few puny fetal absorb wrap up to be inside his body. Incidence of a disease extremely. The patient's condition that the doctor says to little dream eatas surname cannot have awaited again, must carry out an operation immediately, abandon oneself to discontinue goes otherwise consequence is unimaginable. The graph is the Kang Mengru after rehabilitation, in father Kang Xiqing is conceived in. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)When but become Kang Mengru's parents to go before the operation,signing, after the doctor was examining all sorts of procedures, tell Kang Mengru's father and mother: They of two people sign, invalid. Is this how one and the same? The mom king sweet-scented osmanthus that the dream eatas surname spoke a facts one wishes to hide: Dream eat is not their one's own. Original, wang Guihua of 39 years old does not have fecundity, marry 7 years to never had had children, and little dream if, it is she collects the abandon a baby that come back from roadside. The graph is introducing an operation to prepare a case for sister. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)When but become Kang Mengru's parents to go before the operation,signing, after the doctor was examining all sorts of procedures, tell Kang Mengru's father and mother: They of two people sign, invalid. Is this how one and the same? The mom king sweet-scented osmanthus that the dream eatas surname spoke a facts one wishes to hide: Dream eat is not their one's own. Original, wang Guihua of 39 years old does not have fecundity, marry 7 years to never had had children, and little dream if, it is she collects the abandon a baby that come back from roadside. The graph is introducing an operation to prepare a case for sister. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Their couple two after collecting a child, did not deal with foster formalities in time, not be lawful guardian so, sign without legal effect. According to our country foster law sets, wang Guihua's couple must deal with adopt formalities to branch of civil administration of area county class. But press normal procedure to go, adopt formalities does to want time of a many month at least. The abdomen that Ke Xiaomeng is like may have risk at any time, do not have time at all protracted. How to do? Husband and wife two be at a loss urgently. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Their couple two after collecting a child, did not deal with foster formalities in time, not be lawful guardian so, sign without legal effect. According to our country foster law sets, wang Guihua's couple must deal with adopt formalities to branch of civil administration of area county class. But press normal procedure to go, adopt formalities does to want time of a many month at least. The abdomen that Ke Xiaomeng is like may have risk at any time, do not have time at all protracted. How to do? Husband and wife two be at a loss urgently. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Do no less than coming that adopt card, also mean do not have method to if become an operation,give little dream, wang Guihua's couple was immersed in contradiction. Have to, they hope to be able to see one's own parents of the child, if came down alive,tell them little dream, want to be able to agree in the operation only sign on the book, if little dream can continue to grow carefreely. Eata surname to little dream however of one's own parents search, vague like look for a needle in the ocean, search without clew, have no way. The little dream eat after the graph is an operation is laughing. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Do no less than coming that adopt card, also mean do not have method to if become an operation,give little dream, wang Guihua's couple was immersed in contradiction. Have to, they hope to be able to see one's own parents of the child, if came down alive,tell them little dream, want to be able to agree in the operation only sign on the book, if little dream can continue to grow carefreely. Eata surname to little dream however of one's own parents search, vague like look for a needle in the ocean, search without clew, have no way. The little dream eat after the graph is an operation is laughing. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The abdomen that little dream is like still is in a day of heaven and earth is grown, if do not accept treatment rapidly, will endanger life. Cannot await again, after concerned branch is informed a circumstance, opened green for them fellow. 3 days did foster formalities. The hospital invited ranking hospital expert to have consultation to Kang Mengru's disease further for discreet for the purpose of, the conclusion that reach is, the likelihood is not parasitism embryo, however rare tumor. Then they turn Kang Mengru to Henan to visit people hospital. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The abdomen that little dream is like still is in a day of heaven and earth is grown, if do not accept treatment rapidly, will endanger life. Cannot await again, after concerned branch is informed a circumstance, opened green for them fellow. 3 days did foster formalities. The hospital invited ranking hospital expert to have consultation to Kang Mengru's disease further for discreet for the purpose of, the conclusion that reach is, the likelihood is not parasitism embryo, however rare tumor. Then they turn Kang Mengru to Henan to visit people hospital. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Henan saves the final and authoritative result that people hospital diagnoses: Bursa shape lymphatic tumour. This kind of circumstance that little dream is like is compared in total national capital infrequent, the foster parent family financial situation plus her is bad, missed optimal cure time, because tumour put oneself in another's position is too large, the operation will face huge risk. The hospital is in urgent negotiate a solution, but the remedial charge of a huge sum beat however Wang Guihua's couple. Enormous mental pressure, wang Guihua begins to become mood out of control, she besides cry, do not know how to should do. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)Henan saves the final and authoritative result that people hospital diagnoses: Bursa shape lymphatic tumour. This kind of circumstance that little dream is like is compared in total national capital infrequent, the foster parent family financial situation plus her is bad, missed optimal cure time, because tumour put oneself in another's position is too large, the operation will face huge risk. The hospital is in urgent negotiate a solution, but the remedial charge of a huge sum beat however Wang Guihua's couple. Enormous mental pressure, wang Guihua begins to become mood out of control, she besides cry, do not know how to should do. (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The experience that little dream eatas surname caused the wide attention of social all circles, henan saves the Red Cross to be like open up technically for little dream contribution passageway, a lot of good intention people give virtuous love in succession. The contribution in a steady stream of personage of very fast love came ceaselessly. Little dream eat had an operation smoothly, the operation is very successful. Her weight just 20 jins, this excised tumour 9 jins. The parents that little dream eatas surname is fond of extremely and sob. After the operation, if little dream was gone to by move custody of rescue room key, 10 many day hind left hospital smoothly. At present health dream eatas surname, fast 10 years old, the body is very healthy. Want to see more have the humanitarian story of temperature, pay close attention to a head please date: Urban and rural scanning! (the picture comes from Oriental IC)The experience that little dream eatas surname caused the wide attention of social all circles, henan saves the Red Cross to be like open up technically for little dream contribution passageway, a lot of good intention people give virtuous love in succession. The contribution in a steady stream of personage of very fast love came ceaselessly. Little dream eat had an operation smoothly, the operation is very successful. Her weight just 20 jins, this excised tumour 9 jins. The parents that little dream eatas surname is fond of extremely and sob. After the operation, if little dream was gone to by move custody of rescue room key, 10 many day hind left hospital smoothly. At present health dream eatas surname, fast 10 years old, the body is very healthy. Want to see more have the humanitarian story of temperature, pay close attention to a head please date: Urban and rural scanning! (the picture comes from Oriental IC)
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