Year vole pressed an axis to make fun of greatly 2018, open competition still has American tennis 5 days to will pull open big screen, champion of sports meet of 5 male singles, roger cost heart straps farad showing a body to fill a park! Since meadow sports season, cost heart carves position all the time rove! Lukewarm 2018 net defends crown battle, 8 strong wasteful game ball are defeated by the male single the south Africa person that never has lost before this installs De Sen! Beautiful net warm up is surpassed, carried male single final to be defeated by Deyaokeweiji then in Xin Xin first! Fei Dele is held in both hands in beautiful net last time cup, distant still 2008! Fei Dele has a male single in beautiful net 5 even bully (2004~2008) be proud person record, he and Sangpulasi are paratactic and open game time, record holder of amount of champion of beautiful net male single! But day king had not sampled 10 years in beautiful net champion flavor!