Boat pats Lake Baikal, the biggest islands comparatives island of half Chong Ming

Lake Baikal, most in amount to 1637 meters. Lake water capacity makes an appointment with 23.6 trillion stere, be equivalent to 20 the Yangtse River, the fresh water lake with world the largest capacity. Lake Baikal, most in amount to 1637 meters. Lake water capacity makes an appointment with 23.6 trillion stere, be equivalent to 20 the Yangtse River, the fresh water lake with world the largest capacity. The sky that ice and snow returns Lake Baikal spring to did not melt takes a picture, the lake grows 636 kilometre, average wide 48 kilometre, average depth of water 730 meters, the area makes an appointment with kilometre of thirty-one thousand five hundred square. The sky that ice and snow returns Lake Baikal spring to did not melt takes a picture, the lake grows 636 kilometre, average wide 48 kilometre, average depth of water 730 meters, the area makes an appointment with kilometre of thirty-one thousand five hundred square. 336 size such as river of case of arris of Lake Baikal coloured river plain infuse, how does the affluent of the river add Xienisai pull a river to be poured out of from this, ancient time calls the North sea. 336 size such as river of case of arris of Lake Baikal coloured river plain infuse, how does the affluent of the river add Xienisai pull a river to be poured out of from this, ancient time calls the North sea. There are 27 islandses in Lake Baikal, the biggest islands is Ao Erhong island, the area is 730 square kilometer about, esteem bright island size for half about. There are 27 islandses in Lake Baikal, the biggest islands is Ao Erhong island, the area is 730 square kilometer about, esteem bright island size for half about. Lake Baikal area ever belonged to quiet day, " Ni Buchu treaty " , alienation here czar is Russian, lake Baikal is located in the south of Russia thing Bai Liya nowadays. Lake Baikal area ever belonged to quiet day, " Ni Buchu treaty " , alienation here czar is Russian, lake Baikal is located in the south of Russia thing Bai Liya nowadays.
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